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July 25, 2012


A Disagreement of Values and Hate 

The new morality

During the past week, restaurant chain Chick Fil A and the the Boy Scouts of America have been viciously attacked by those with whom they respectfully disagree with on values. The Chief Operating Officer of Chick Fil A, Dan Cathy discussed his Christian philosophy with the Baptist Press and made it clear that they support the Biblical definition of a family. He stated that  they are not a "Christian Business" but rather base their business on "Christian principles" such as closing on Sunday. The Boy Scouts of America announced that they will not change their policy on homosexual scout leaders consistent with the view of the majority of their members. Both of these private organizations declined to proffer an opinion on those who disagree. Even so, homosexual extremist groups pounced equating disagreement over sexuality and marriage to hate.

The issue is not tolerance as Chick Fil A and the Boy Scouts of America exhibited tolerance. The operative word is acceptance and their failure to fully accept the new morality, one devoid of common sense and without any judgment unless that judgment is based on the new morality.

The days of free speech, liberty, religious freedom and right of association are over. The new morality teaches that these arcane principles must give way to understanding our differences and acknowledging that disagreement is bigotry. One's conscious must give way to the moral supremacy of the enlightened. The debate over sexuality and marriage are over. Those who do not embrace the continuum of sexuality and the new definition of family are certainly on the wrong side of history.

America was built on the values of the Judeo-Christian faith not on the whim of a narrow agenda group. Yes, history is important; our failure to learn from history will doom our society to repeat it. Taking a stand against the tyranny of radicals is the only defense for our liberty. Support Chick Fil A by eating at one of their restaurants on August 1st. Support the Boy Scouts of America by encouraging your children to join the ranks of one of the finest youth organizations in America that teaches timeless values. It's up to you.