"The government is us, we are the government, you and I." Teddy Roosevelt



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July 15, 2015

Pentagon considers transgender troops 

In a disturbing move, the Pentagon announced a six month study to review the likelihood of allowing transgender individuals to serve openly in America’s armed forces. Some of the issues to be considered include how to accommodate the fluidity of the transgender spectrum while maintaining operational standards. This challenge appears contradictory on its face considering the necessity of uniform standards and their application against a lifestyle that inherently goes against uniformity. Instead of pushing more radical social change that will further undermine unit cohesiveness and readiness, the administration ought to determine why so many are leaving the military.

Click here for the story

May 27, 2014

Dishonor and the VA 

American Veterans deserve better

Click here for more information




October 9, 2013


Disgraceful: DOD withholds death benefits for fallen warriors even though Defense funded


In a move short of evil, the Department of Defense is withholding the death benefit that is paid within three days from the death of a service member, This decision would have had to be approved at the top level of the DOD and would be with the knowledge of the President.


Click here for the story


National Park Service Scandal: Closing Public monuments to inflict pain


Click here for the story


Congress: IRS Officials committed Criminal acts


Click here for the story


May 21, 2013

Military reports: Male on male sex assaults soar


Critics of the repeal of DADT attribute the rise in male on male sex assault to the change in standards. Even those who suport the repeal such as The Palm Center which advocates for homosexuals in the military acknowledged the problem describing the attacks as “somewhat similar to prison rape.”

Click here for the story


DONNELLY: The generals flunk the birds ‘n’ bees test  Click here for the story



April 30, 2013


Pentagon considering courts martial for sharing one's faith


Military Religious Freedom Foundation which is an activist atheist group compared Christian evangelism to “rape” and recommending courts martial for hundreds of Christians in the Air Force. Click here for the story.



January 23, 2013


Outgoing Defense Secretary announces Women to go into combat


In a further effort to remake the nation's armed forces, President Obama has decided to disregard more then thirty years of studies recommending against integrating women into combat units by lifting the ban that has been in effect since 1994. Instead of looking to improve the capability of our armed forces, the administration is doing everything in its power to use the military to promote an anything goes social policy to bring their idea of change to the very institution that was non political. The question that needs to be answered. "How does this improve operational efficiency, morale and capability?


Click here for the story




October 5, 2011


9th Circuit Court of Appeals reject challenge to Military's former DADT policy


A federal appeals court reversed the ruling of federal Judge Virginia Phillips that found the former Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy unconstitutional. With this ruling, DADT has survived all legal challenges. The federal courts have a history of deferring to the U.S. military and congress to set eligibility standards to serve. According to the attorney for the group that brought the suit, DADT can be reinstated at anytime as it does not specifically authorize open homosexual service. Their goal was to maintain the lower court ruling at a time when the Government was likely to drop their defense of the law and use the decision as a precedent to prevent a future administration from reviving the ban.


Click here to read the decision



October 3, 2011


Told you so!


DOD: No to DOMA, Military Chaplains to perform Homosexual marriages on bases


In an outright refusal to follow the Federal Defense of Marriage Act, the Obama Administration has ordered the Department of Defense to authorize military chaplains to perform homosexual marriages on military bases where these "marriages" are legal. As the military is covered by federal law, it is just another example of how the President views the power of the executive branch. Instead of upholding his oath to uphold and enforce the constitution and federal law, he has decided to act unilaterally as the judicial branch when  determining what laws are constitutional and or which laws he will defend and will decide what laws to reject without regard to the intent of the legislative branch.


Click here for the story


Push back; West Point Chapel says NO.


Click here for the story 


Activists: "Working toward transgender military service"


Opening up a new front in their battle for diversified sexual conduct expression, activists are now calling to an end to the ban on "transgenders" which include transsexuals, cross dressers and others on the continuum of human sexuality.


Click here for the story



September 19, 2011


DADT policy ends Tuesday, cultural war on Military to begin


Tomorrow will end the 200 year old ban on open homosexuality in the military. Publically declaring and reveling in one's sexual proclivity will no longer result in a discharge but will be forced upon the ranks by today's armed forces. Without missing a beat, the advocates of social engineering are demanding marriage benefits, quotas, sexual diversity training and regulations to equate sexual conduct with race and religion. What a sad day for our nation and those who fight for our freedom.



DONNELLY: Congress resists rush for an LGBT military

Obama Pentagon tries to impose homosexual service unilaterally


Pentagon downplays ending of ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’



May 9, 2011


Told you so, DADT Repeal = Push for Gay marriage


In a blatant attempt to force Gay marriage on America by the Executive Branch, the President has authorized the Navy to allow Navy Chaplains to officiate at Gay marriages on military bases. Building on his unilateral refusal to enforce the nation's federal laws, the President who at first claimed that the Defense of Marriage Act was unconstitutional based on his opinion has now decided to go beyond his decision not to defend the law but now refuse to enforce it. If the President has the power to disregard federal law, where does it end. Its time for Congress to intervene and hold the President accountable to his oath of office. If left unchecked, the United States Constitution with it's Separation of Powers will no longer have the ultimate authority. It shall rest with a tyrannical extremist who's battle cry is any means necessary, damn the constitution. Our liberty hangs in the balance by the thread of law and its underpinning, our Constitution. It's time for Congress to check the Executive branch and put an end to the thuggary of Barack Obama.


Click here for the story; Navy Chaplains to officiate Gay Marriages


Navy Reverses Course on Gay marriages  Click here


Top Army General warns of rush to end Don't Ask, Don't Tell


Click here for the story


December 22, 2010

DADT Repeal Opens Pandora's Box

Obama announces focused effort to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)

ABC News' Jake Tapper asks President if homosexuals can be allowed to fight and die for their country, why can't they get married? 

"I have been struck -- let me take the former -- repealing DOMA, getting [the Employment Non-Discrimination Act] done, those are things that should be done. I think those are natural next steps legislatively." President Obama

If he can't get it through congress; "As I said before, I have a whole bunch of really smart lawyers who are looking at a whole range of options. My preference wherever possible is to get things done legislatively because I think it -- it gains a legitimacy, even among people who don't like the change, that is valuable."

Biden says Administration will move to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act, Gay marriage inevitable

Radical Gay groups launch obscene media campaign for marriage, use children.

Click here for the video. 

Are Transgender Marines next?

Transgenders want to serve openly also. Click here for the story

TEA Party; Democrats are the party of homosexuality Click here

The Day America's Armed Forces Died
Senate votes to allow open homosexuality in the ranks.

December 20, 2010  
From the Washington Times The Left's Legislative Rampage
Repudiated Congress implements the new gay Army

December 18, 2010

The Fine Print of the DOD Report on DADT Repeal: National Security Disaster

91% Reject Homosexual Leaders
85% of Combat Marines Distrust
71% Won't Share Showers
24% Won't Re-Enlist

Click here for the story


December 18, 2010

Freedom Federation Pledges Full Mobilization on Behalf of 40 Million Americans to Overturn DADT Repeal

"Our armed forces should take heart, because the American people will not turn its back on you. This vote happened because opportunistic Senators – only days before Christmas – put political interest groups above supporting our men and women in uniform."

"This action will be overturned in the next Congress because it breaks the bond of trust that must exist between the military and those who command in the Pentagon and Congress. Today’s vote will prove as costly to its proponents as ObamaCare was to its advocates. We promise a full mobilization of faith-based and policy organizations, veterans, and military families in the states of every Senator who voted for repeal of DADT against the advice of our service chiefs and during a time of war. Those Senators – and the Pentagon leaders responsible for this breach of trust – should understand that they will be the object of concerted political action against them."

The Freedom Federation is a federation of multiracial, multiethnic, and multigenerational faith-based and policy leaders and organizations representing 40 million people. The Freedom Federation is not a separate organization. It is a federation of organizations with large and unique constituencies that share common core values.


December 18, 2010

A Call to Action!!  

We are calling on all active duty, reservists, ready reserve, retired military, veterans, their families and all Americans to contact your Senators and Representatives for their arrogant vote to irreparably harm our armed forces. 

"If ever time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin."  Samuel Adams

VFW opposes Repeal, criticizes DOD report on DADT repeal Click here

58% of active service members oppose repeal Click here

See how your senator voted  

September 21, 2010

Senate Blocks Bill to lift ban on Open Homosexuality in the ranks

Click here for the story

May 27, 2010

US House votes to allow open homosexuality in the military

Fight moves to the Senate. Call your Senator!!

Gays in the Military-Bad for America

May 26, 2010

Joint Chiefs oppose repeal of Don't ask, don't tell

Earlier this year, the Pentagon agreed to conduct a study on the repeal of the military's don't ask, don't tell policy which bans open homosexuality. The review which is due to be completed by December was prompted by pressure from homosexual rights activists and President Obama who has promised to repeal the Clinton era policy. Under the current military code of justice, homosexuality is deemed incompatible with military service and is grounds for discharge. During the Clinton administration, President Clinton pushed to allow open homosexuality in the military which resulted in a compromise policy which allows homosexuals to serve as long as they keep their sexuality discreet and which bars the military from asking about one's sexual preference. Due to shifting political winds and a possible loss of one or both houses of Congress, Democratic leaders are trying to force a repeal bill through which would allow open homosexuality as long as the President, the Defense Secretary and the  Chairman of the Joint Chief's of Staff certify that the change will not affect military readiness and unit cohesiveness.  

Click here for the story

The Nassau County Civic Association opposes any repeal on two grounds; the change would affect military readiness and unit cohesiveness due to the consequences of the change and second, the current policy is supported by a overwhelming majority of those affected; active service members and veterans.

For more information on why any change would be catastrophic, click here

Call Senator Schumer at 212-486-4430 or 631-753-0978 and Senator Gillibrand at 212-688-6262 or 631-249-2825.


(202) 456-1111
(202) 456-1414

June 10, 2010          
Time for reflection  

Duty, honor and gallantry

  Duty, honor and gallantry are words understood by many but the actual embodiment of these principles are observed in action defined by those who wear the uniform of the United States Military. Freedom is not free but preserved by the blood of patriots and their unselfish sacrifice in the name of liberty. Click here to read of their stories and their sacrifice; click here Bravo Zulu.