"The government is us, we are the government, you and I." Teddy Roosevelt



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Foundation for Individual Rights in Education- FIRE is a nonprofit educational foundation devoted to free speech, individual liberty, religious freedom, the rights of conscience, legal equality, due process, and academic freedom on our nation's campuses.






The mission of FIRE is to defend and sustain individual rights at America’s increasingly repressive colleges and universities.  These rights include freedom of speech, legal equality, due process, religious liberty, and sanctity of conscience—the essential qualities of individual liberty and dignity.  FIRE’s core mission is to protect the unprotected, to educate the public and communities of concerned Americans about the threats to these rights on our campuses, and to instruct them on the best means to preserve them.  FIRE, through its expanding programs, works successfully for systemic changes in higher education, changes that increase the substance and prospects of a culture of individual rights and responsibilities on our nation’s campuses.

FIRE effectively and decisively defends American liberties on behalf of thousands of students and faculty on our nation’s campuses.  In case after case, FIRE brings about favorable resolutions for these individuals who continue to be challenged by those willing to deny fundamental rights and liberties within our institutions of higher education.  In program after program, FIRE both applies the principles of those resolutions to change the policies and double standards of our colleges and universities and seeks to make these vital principles permanent and secure.

FIRE seeks to continue our mission of educating a generation of America’s future leaders about the threats to these rights and about the means of protecting and restoring them on our campuses.  FIRE also actively encourages and expands coalitions committed to individual rights, offering counsel and advice to the allies of campus freedom, and providing documentation, strategies, compelling arguments, and effective assistance to the beleaguered and their defenders.  FIRE works both for justice for individuals and for systemic change on behalf of liberty.

Focusing on the role of the university in loco parentis (the university
standing in the place of parents), where the abuse of rights is most obvious and most readily understood, FIRE educates the public about the fate of liberty on our campuses.  We vet claims and cases for accuracy and context, thus gaining the trust of reporters, commentators, and public intellectuals across a broad spectrum.  We expose abuses of power through an extensive Media Network.  Where necessary, FIRE links individuals to appropriate legal
assistance through our Legal Network, providing individuals and their
attorneys with legal memoranda.  FIRE adds the interests of liberty to the public and judicial debate about higher education, compelling universities to give moral weight to legal equality and individual rights.  Ultimately, FIRE seeks both to end the debilitating fatalism that paralyzes students and faculty and to provide protection to those who are now helpless in the face of abuses of power on our campuses

Since its inception in 1999, FIRE has successfully fought battle after
battle in a sustained campaign to secure rights and to educate campuses on issues of liberty.  FIRE has resolved more than 1,000 cases to the advantage of liberty and dignity.  During this past year, FIRE’s staff and directors have given speeches, participated in debates, appeared on television news programs, and been guests on talk radio on hundreds of occasions.  FIRE’s officers have written for major newspapers and journals, and FIRE’s work has been discussed and reported in thousands of newspaper and journal articles. Through these and other activities, FIRE has been successful in our primary role as an advocate and resource on behalf of liberty.


Erich Wasserman
Executive Director
Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE)
210 West Washington Square
Philadelphia, PA 19106
tel (215) 717-3473
fax (215) 717-3440

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