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February 16, 2015

The Nation of the Cross

The battle against Islamic fascism 

With the recent beheadings of  twenty one Coptic Egyptian Christians, it is apparent that the White House is losing the war on Islamic fascism. This comes on the heals of the Jordanian pilot who was burned alive while locked in cage by ISIS in a barbarous act reminiscent of the middle ages and yet the only response from the President last week was his claim that Christians did it too. He blamed Christians for the crusades, the inquisition and slavery but gave no foot notes. While history is replete with various wrongs committed by those in the name of faith, the truth is compelling. The very basis of our freedoms is the principle of liberty which is found in the Judeao-Christian instruction book, the Bible. America is a nation like no other, it is and remains the beacon for all the world for it's light is freedom. Our constitution is the base line to measure against any other government on earth. While there were struggles and wrongs throughout our history, we the People through our constitution righted those wrongs unlike other nations.

Christians led the movement against slavery and helped the poor. Our nation armed forces have helped the common man throughout the world from providing food in a disaster to freeing those who were oppressed by their government. America is exceptional and so are its values which come from our faith. When we compare Islam to Christianity, there is a stark difference. Islam preaches subjection by the sword and Christianity preaches salvation by free will. Islam believes women are less then men and Christianity teaches that a man is to love his wife like Christ loves his church. The word fundamental is often used in a negative context but it simple means "something that is basic or essential". A comparison of the fundamentals of each faith is stark, if one adheres to pure Christianity, the more one loves God and their neighbor. It true Islam is followed through Sharia, subjection must follow or death to those that oppose Islam. While there are differences, there are also similarities. Both beliefs have small numbers of fundamentalists and large numbers of apostates. So the majority of so called Christians do not practice what they claim they believe and the majority of Muslims are peaceful as they do not subscribe to the orthodox teachings of Islam. 

Under the President’s leadership, the United states has suffered a significant series of foreign policy defeats across the middle east. On its face it would appear that he is ignorant of recent history, however his outright refusal to acknowledge Islamic radicalism is premeditated and purposeful. This President has always viewed American power as evil and our foreign policy as imperialistic. While running for office, he vowed to change American foreign policy by talking to our enemies instead of ignoring them and understanding their underlying grievances against values. He promised a new approach with significant dividends and yet the outcome has been failure with a world in turmoil. Country after country has fallen to the Islamic State (ISIS) and their influence has grown significantly. They are no longer a junior varsity team as claimed by the President. 

The policy of appeasement has never worked. The only message a tyrant understands is force. The President has been negotiating with Iran to end its nuclear program by direct talks but the only result has been the success of their nuclear weapons program. The Iranian regime recently stated that the United States has been begging for a deal. When the Arab Spring sweep across the middle east, the President undermined the government of Egypt leading to the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak, one of our strongest allies in the middle east. He then embraced Mohamed Morsi as the new President of Egypt who was a member of a known terrorist organization, the Muslim Brotherhood and even provided his government with American aid. He provided American firepower to help rebels kill Momar Khadafy in Libya and unwittingly help establish a strong hold for ISIS. His promise of victory over ISIS in Yemen was short lived as the American supported government was recently overthrown. Ironically one of our strongest partners in the battle against ISIS other than Jordan's King Abdullah is the Egyptian military which removed Morsi from power. Apparently the President now understands the important calculation when removing a dictator and has decided to go after ISIS targets in Syria versus targeting the Syrian dictator Assad.  

The President promised to end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan but gave no thought to the circumstances on the ground. Instead of working to maintain our gains in Iraq, he pulled American troops out prematurely helping to fuel the victories of ISIS. Even now the President has no plan except for empty rhetoric. Air power alone never won a war so how can the President expect to win in Iraq. His lack of a strategy is indicative of a strategy albeit a cynical one; he is looking for a stalemate until he runs the clock on his presidency. With pressure from ISIS, the President will likely slow the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan, however there is no long term strategy. He has continued to release unlawful enemy combatants from Gitmo prison against congressional authority only to have them return to the battle field. His administration has delayed the military tribunals of those who were responsible for the September 11th attack and has granted terrorists constitutional protections contrary to Supreme court precedent. His policy is to treat terrorism as a crime instead of waging a war of terror. When the Egyptian Christians were beheaded, the White House statement was devoid of any reference to the Christian faith of the victims and the motivating factor behind ISIS' savagery, hatred for Christians.  Isis offered no ambiguity when they referred to their enemy as "the nation of the cross".

Its time for the President to stop focusing his efforts to destroy America's cultural institutions and remake America in his own twisted image. He has created the largest welfare state in the world by expanding the number of people on disability, those receiving food stamps and free government handouts. He has destroyed the job market evidenced by the numbers, only 44% of Americans have a full time job. He has spent our children's future by increasing the national debt to 18 trillion and tens of trillions in future liabilities. He has changed the military from a cohesive fighting force that reflected the values of middle America to a social experiment that keeps changing to reflect the whims of his radical base. He has changed civil rights to mean what ever he defines, whether marriage or open borders. He has become one of the most divisive political figures in American history dividing Americans on the basis of race, sex and economic status. The social upheaval of the sixties pales in comparison to America today.

Not only does America face an internal battle for the survival of it's soul, it faces certain destruction by Islamic fascism if we continue to seek appeasement. ISIS sent a very clear message to "the nation of the cross". Is America listening?