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October 2, 2018

The Supreme Smear  

The attempt to Bork Judge Brett Kavanaugh

Not since the time of Judge Bork has America experienced the full display of utter gutter politics played by Senate Democrats in their hysterical effort to derail the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. While their usual strategy is to lie and repeat the lies often, it is their jettison of any hint of statesman like behavior that was the hall mark of the Senate. Historians would refer to the Senate as the saucer that cools the cup of the house. The Senate has become nothing more than a hog pit of arrogance, where Senators mire in indecency and seek to destroy their opponents without any restraint all in the effort to keep power. What they are unable to accomplish in the legislature or with the consent of the people, they accomplish through the judiciary, a new super legislative body answerable to no one.  These are the stakes.

We as a free people believe in due process and the presumption of innocence for everyone in America who is accused of a crime or any violation of law. The vast majority of Americans believe that it is important to investigate all allegations of sexual assault, abuse or harassment. While it is important to believe an accuser, that belief must be based on credible evidence, evidence worthy of belief. That evidence must include corroboration which can substantiate those allegations.

In the Kavanaugh situation, there were five accusers who came forward. The first was Christine Blassey Ford. She alleged that while at a party at a home in Maryland, Brett Kavanaugh along with Mark Judge pushed her into a bedroom upstairs as she was heading to the bathroom and locked the door. She stated that music was playing loudly. She stated that Kavanaugh then jumped on top of her on a bed and attempted to take her clothes off. When she screamed, he put his hand over her mouth. She stated that Mark Judge jumped on the bed, all toppled and after some attempts she was able to get away and left the home.

Mrs. Ford had significant inconsistencies such as not knowing how she got to the party and got home, where the party was held, who was actually at the party and gave conflicting accounts when the incident occurred. She even had inconsistencies regarding recent events such as when she had her lie detector test and if she allowed the Washington Post to view her counseling notes. She never named Kavanaugh until 2012 at a counseling session. Of the four people she said were at the party, all four have failed to support her allegations even her best friend. Thus there is no corroborating evidence to support her allegations. Due to the many inconsistencies as well as conflicting accounts as to key elements of her story, she lacks credibility. Given her alignment with partisan political operatives and the timing of her coming forward, her motives raise many questions.

The second accuser was Deborah Ramirez. She came forward in an interview with the New Yorker Magazine. Her account was that Brett Kavanaugh exposed himself to her causing her to accidentally touch his genitals. Yes she acknowledged in the same article that she did not know for sure for 35 years that the culprit was Brett Kavanaugh. Neither of Ramirez's witnesses recall the party or the incident and Ramirez stated she was drunk at the time. She spent 6 days with her Democrat lawyer until she finally agreed that the culprit was Kavanaugh. She admitted that there significant gaps in her memory. The NY Times did not print her account as they were unable to corroborate her story. Given the lack of corroboration, lack of credibility and her alignment with political operatives, her story has zero credibility.

The third accuser Julie Swetnick, who is represented by the porn star Stormy Daniel's lawyer, Michael Avenatti came forward with the most startling allegation of them all. She stated that she attended sex parties where girls were gang raped and after attending the tenth such party, she herself was raped. She stated the Kavanaugh and his friend Mark Judge were present at these parties and when she was raped. She stated that Kavanaugh and Judge would line up with other boys to have sex with girls after getting the girls inebriated. Yet NBC News and several news outlets have been unable to corroborate her claims. During a recent interview with NBC News, she walked back some of her claims. Her ex-boyfriend Richard Vinnecy who stated that he went out with her on and off for 7 years stated she never mentioned an assault. Mr. Vinnecy who filed a restraining order against Swetnick in the past questioned her credibility. Ms. Swetnick was also sued by a former employer in 2000 for falsely claiming to be a graduate of John Hopkins University and for falsifying her work history. The suit was dismissed one month later. Given the lack of corroboration, lack of credibility and her alignment with political operatives, her story has zero credibility.

The fourth accusation which was contained in an anonymous letter sent to Senator Cory Gardner (R-Colorado) who then forwarded it to the Judiciary Committee. The person alleged that in 1998, Kavanaugh left a bar after drinking, shoved her friend against the wall very aggressively and sexually. The letter stated that there were four witnesses including the writer's daughter. Kavanaugh's former girlfriend came forward and found the allegation to be “offensive and absurd.”

The fifth accusation which was initially anonymous was sent to Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-Rhode island) by a constituent. Senator Whitehouse then forwarded it to the Judiciary Committee. The person stated that a close female acquaintance was sexually assaulted in Newport Rhode Island by two men who were drunk and who she referred to as Brett and Mark. He stated that he later scuffled with the men. He stated that when he recently saw Kavanaugh's yearbook photo, he realized it was him. He later recanted and apologized. He has been identified as Jeffrey Cataln who has a long history of anti-Trump posts.

Judge Brett Kavanaugh has authored over 300 legal opinions as a sitting Court of Appeals jurist. He has had 6 FBI background investigations and is undergoing a seventh. He was rated exceptionally well qualified by the liberal American Bar Association and has no history of any hint of a scandal. Of the five allegations, none are substantiated and all five have credibility issues. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer made his plan crystal clear promising to oppose Kavanaugh "with everything I've got". He went on to say that President Trump is trying "to undo women's reproductive freedom and to undue ACA" (American Care Act known as Obama Care).

Schumer certainly kept his word but at what price. In effort to gain the whole world which is power, he and the minority have lost their soul. Their actions have revealed their utter immorality in their desire to bow down at the alter of abortion and to use the Court to change the cultural fabric of America.  It's time for the Senate to send a message and confirm Kavanaugh. Kavanaugh's experience will remind him how crucial due process is at every level of the justice system and his ascension will serve as a strong rebuke to the disgraceful actions of Senator Schumer, the minority and their allies.