NASSAU COUNTY CIVIC ASSOCIATION, INC. "The government is us, we are the government, you and I." Teddy Roosevelt |
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March 19, 2014
NY Gun activists burn registration forms
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February 10, 2014
Manufacturers Change Look of AR-15; Rifle Is Now Legal in NY
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February 10, 2014
New York's NRA Membership doubles, now largest affiliate in US
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February 4, 2014
NRA calls 2014 elections do-or-die Prepares to target foes of 2nd amendment Click here for the story
January 13, 2014
NYS Rifle and Pistol Association prepares appeal
On December 31st, a Federal court upheld the Safe Act but struck down the 7 round limit as unconstitutional. Judge Skretny agreed that the banned rifles are guns common in use as noted in Heller, but relied on intermediate scrutny of the New York law as the court argued that the issue does not involve a fundemental right, all guns would not be banned and the state made a showing that there was a substatial link between the purposes of the SAFE Act and the interest of public safety that the state seeks to advance. The NYSRA posted a copy of their review of the decision and their appeal.
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May 14, 2013
NYS Sheriffs file legal papers opposing SAFE Act
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Cuomo questions Sheriff's action. Sheriff's response to Governor
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May 14, 2013
Two bullets too many
A New York resident was arrested by New York State Police for having 9 rounds in a hand gun in violation of New York's bizare gun law. The 10 round magazine while legal must have 7 rounds unless the person pocessing the weapon is at a pistol range. Ther question for the Governor and those that voted to the law is, "what is the public policy served by this requirement?" The law only criminalizes lawful behavior and does nothing to get illegal guns off the street.
Click here for the story.
April 18, 2013
Albany Police Union comes out against SAFE Act
Albany Police union issued a statement harly criticizing the SAFE act and how it was "rammed through" the legislature. The union stated that the law "violates fundental constituional rights".
Click here for the statement
New York State Trooper Union express concern Click here for the story
New York State Sheriff's express concerns Click here for the story
Large Majority of NY Counties Oppose Click here for the story
Congressman Peter King calls opponents of SAFE Act extremists
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April 17, 2013
Senate Gun Control measure defeated
By a vote of 54 to 46, the Senate voted to kill "universal" background checks. The vote which required 60 votes to overcome a fillabuster came after two other measures, banning military style semi-authomatic rifles and large capacity magazines received limited support.
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Governor Cuomo label's opponents as extremists
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April 15, 2013 From the Washington Times NRA president: 2nd Amendment represents an America the left doesn’t like
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April 15, 2013
Supreme Court declines to hear challenge to NY right to carry case
Without commenting, the Supreme court declined to take up a challenge to New York's restrictive concealed carry law. The appellate court ruled that New York has the right to restrict guns in public. The plaintiff's argued that the current law which requires that applicants demonstrate that they have a special need to obtain a carry permit.
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February 5, 2013
Pro-2nd Amendment Rally
The rally which is being organized by CSA is being held on Saturday, February 9th at the Office of Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos. Rally to be be re-scheduled. An Albany rally will be held on Thursday, February 28th.for information
January 23, 2012
NRA Chief addressing Albany news show alludes to a legal challenge of gun ban
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January 21, 2012 Legal Gun owners vow fight against gun ban
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January 19, 2012
Tens of thousands rally for gun rights across America
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Thousands rally in Albany
January 18, 2012 Whoops, Police not exempted from NY gun ban High capacity clips for cops now illegal Click here for the story Senate leader Skelos does it again, gives legislators 20 minutes to read & vote on gun bill Click here for the story In the middle of the night without allowing debate Senator Greg Ball explains click here Lawsuit expected over new gun law Click here for the story NY Sheriffs don't support new law
January 14, 2012
War on Legal Gun Owners
President readies 19 executive Orders
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Cuomo moves to ram through bill in the dark of night without debate
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January 10, 2012
NRA President Responds to Cuomo
here for the story Biden & NRA Meet; NRA disappointed as focus on lawful gun owners
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January 9, 2012
Cuomo on Gun Ownership; "End the Madness Now!"
Calls for more guns to be banned, regulate ammunition and questions the need for New York's legal ammunition clip of 10 rounds. Wonders why a hunter needs 10 rounds to hunt. Ends speech shouting.
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Obama prepared to issue executive order on gun control
In a move reminiscent of a foreign dictator, Vice President Biden indicated that the President is prepared to disregard the Constitution and bypass Congress in his drive to remake the bill of rights. The Vice President declared, "There are executives orders, there's executive action that can be taken. We haven't decided what that is yet. But we're compiling it all with the help of the attorney general and the rest of the cabinet members as well as legislative action that we believe is required" for the story
December 31, 2012
Guns, Guilt and Gall Turning a tragedy into an opportunity
The tragedy of Newtown Connecticut was apparent with almost every American. It could have been any school, anyone's child, grand child or family member. The victims were the most precious and innocent among us. The random act of violence against elementary school children and their teachers was unimaginable and stunned a nation. The questions were almost immediate; what could have been done to prevent this tragedy? Why drove Adam Lanza to harm little children? Did the school have a safety plan? Were the guns legal? Read more....
FBI: More People killed with hammers, clubs each year then rifles Click here for the story