NASSAU COUNTY CIVIC ASSOCIATION, INC. "The government is us, we are the government, you and I." Teddy Roosevelt |
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January 6, 2014
He Lives
God is still on the throne
In the world of today or what we refer to as the modern world, many believe that we are at the pinnacle of our existence. The advances of technology are tremendous. Who would every think that the devices from Star Trek would come to life, the communicator-your phone, the tricorder-your tablet and the phaser-the US Army's new weapon. We have come a long way in our history. What we think is old, we label as no longer valid. But history is valuable as it tells the story of our forefathers and their struggles. We are no different. We only live in a different time. Love still matters, character still counts and honor is worth more then gold. This is no different from the One who is everlasting, the God who created us and who has proven again and again that he is always available in our time of need. While times change, God never changes. He is a living God. "Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen." Timothy 1:17
The seed of doubt goes back centuries. The disciples doubted his power even though he performed countless miracles. While out on sea, Jesus and the disciples were on a boat which became tossed by the waves. Even after seeing the raw power of God, they feared for their safety and awoke Jesus. He responded, "....Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm." Luke 8:26 Don't we today doubt God? We think that society has become too complicated because we compare our circumstance to that of the past and believe that what we face is beyond the scope God. Yet when we look at the mountains, the stars in the sky and the ocean, how can we deny the awesome creation of the Creator? There is power in the hands of an Almighty God. Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding. Isiah 40:28
Throughout the centuries, men and women have faced unheard struggles which seemed at time, insurmountable. Yet when they placed their trust in God, they prevailed. When the Israelites faced the Philistines in battle, the Philistine giant Goliath challenged King Saul to fight him one on one. David took up the challenge with only a sling shot and some stones. As a man of God, he had all the power he needed. He moved forward with his trust in the almighty and didn't worry about the circumstances. The arrogant Goliath was hit in the head and killed by a simple stone. David then beheaded Goliath's with his own sword and the Philistines fled. When Moses led the Jews out of Egypt and they were being pursued by the Egyptians, God parted the Red Sea then destroyed the Egyptian army. During the revolutionary war, God provided a dense fog to allow our fledging army under the command of George Washington to retreat from the British during the battle of Long Island and fight another day. "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." Proverbs 3:5-6
There have been times of human suffering when mankind questioned their circumstance. Those under the harsh bondage of slavery and those who called for it's abolition were right to question the morality of a nation that was able to continence the practice. Yet even with the realization that the odds against their struggle for freedom was tremendous, they placed their trust in the Lord. A slave named Robert Smalls who was forced into service for the Confederacy acknowledged the power of God no matter what his circumstance, “Oh, Lord, we entrust ourselves into Thy hands. Like Thou didst for the Israelites in Egypt, please stand guard over us and guide us to our promised land of freedom.” 1 With God's help, he was able to smuggle a ship from Confederate forces and fought for the Union army. He went on the become the first black captain in US History and later served in Congress as a Representative from South Carolina. Instead of seeing the hopelessness of his circumstance, he understood the power of the Lord. "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." Philippians 4:13
Discouragement of those of faith reflect the success of those who engage in evil. Just imagine putting yourself in the shoes of those who were martyred for the faith. During the Roman empire, Christians and their families were killed for sport often eaten alive by lions. Most of the apostles were put to death for spreading the Gospel. During the Great inquisition, many were burned at the stake and brutally murdered for the faith. Yet they continued in the cause to preach the Gospel. In America, Christians spoke out against slavery, the practice of polygamy, prostitution, drugs, vices and other important moral issues often going against the will of the majority. They understood that no matter what the battle, they had to put their trust in the Creator. "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28
Today is no different. While many of the issues seem to be "different" and those that affect a "modern world" time never dulls the difference between right and wrong. What is old is new and what is new is old. The human condition does not change. Man's inhumanity toward one another continues and their need for the Gospel is no different then the day the Christ last preached it. "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever." Hebrews 13:8 Nothing is too big for God. "Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you." Peter 5:7 While the adversary seems invincible, no adversary can match the power of a living God.
1:Wall Builders, Black History Issue 2006