"The government is us, we are the government, you and I." Teddy Roosevelt



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Civics And Citizenship




How to get involved


To be involved, one must be informed. Information gathering is quite easy. Read the newspaper, watch the news, listen to talk radio, search the internet, and use common sense. Many times editorializing is reported as news and the opposing view is left out. Once you have all of the facts, you decide and form your opinion accordingly.


Now that you have an informed opinion, it is important to attend public hearings, school board meetings, meetings of the legislature and local boards. Are the decisions in line with common sense or are they in support of special interests over the people’s interest?


All governmental meetings (unless they are in executive session) are open to the public. Unfortunately, the public does not attend. This is why your interests are not represented. Your appearance alone will change this dynamic. After the business is conducted, a time for public comment is allowed. This is the time to share your opinion and concerns. This will make an impact. Why? Because it just takes one to bring change versus none.


The ultimate weapon for change is your vote. Do your taxes seem unbearable? New York has the largest combined state and local tax burden in the United States.1 School taxes make up 61% of your property tax bill 2, however this portion is not passed by the school board, it is proposed by the school board. The increase is either passed or rejected by you, the voter. If you do not exercise your vote (which is often the case), the budgets are often passed. Many times the rate of increase is 2 to 6 times the rate of inflation!3 Do you get automatic salary increases of this proportion?


When you hear or see something that is wrong or offends your sensibilities, do you remain quiet? If so, you are a facilitator. Your silence implies acceptance and acceptance is defined as one who is not opposed. Do not remain silent. Write a letter, send an e-mail or make a telephone call. Based on statistical averages, your letter or call may constitute a sizable number of the population with a similar opinion. This can result in change.


The best excuse for not being involved is not having the time. Is this a fair argument? Ask yourself this question, “What is the price of not getting involved?” It is better to spend a small amount of time to stop tax increases now than to work the extra hours to pay for the increases. How much time do you need to join a public interest group, a block association, a taxpayer group or civic association? These organizations will do the work that you cannot.


When will you act to defend yourself against the tyranny of unjust taxation and the lack of common sense?  For leadership does not come with a title, it is the person who participates in the debate and takes a stand in pursuit of what is right versus what is expedient.



1 Fixing New York State’s Fiscal Practices, Citizens Budget Commission.

2 Town of Hempstead, Receiver of Taxes.

3 New York State Department of Education, enacted school budgets.