Obama Administration defends Click here
NASSAU COUNTY CIVIC ASSOCIATION, INC. "The government is us, we are the government, you and I." Teddy Roosevelt |
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U.S. Dept of Justice to create
Religious Liberty Task Force June 20, 2016 Veteran dragged from Air Force Ceremony for mentioning God In a blatant and illegal action, the Air Force forcibly removed a veteran from a retirement ceremony for mentioning God. The policy of targeting Christians which began under President Obama has now crossed the line by violating the very constitutional protections our warriors and veterans have fought to protect. This is the vary nature of the radical ideology of the hard left. How disgraceful. for the storyMay 19, 2016 NY Congressman Maloney's Anti-Christian Amendment Defeated In a blatant attempt to legislate Anti-Christian bigotry, NY Congressman Sean Maloney attempted to push an amendment that would nullify protections for churches and religious entities that do business with the federal government. Congress recently passed an amendment to an appropriations bill that would offset an executive order by Barack Obama that stripped churches and religious organizations of their ability to live by their conscious and faith when entering into contracts with the federal government. The Congressman dishonestly claimed that it was about preventing bigotry while trying to engage in his own bigotry against people of faith. In the beginning, the push for rights based on sexual conduct was just about employment protections for those who are targeted based on what they do in their bedroom. There was absolutely no question as to why churches, religious organizations and people of faith would object as the focus of the protections were based on conduct not immutable differences. Further more, the first amendment specifically protects Americans in the practice of their faith. So there was a constitutional presumption that religious liberty would trump protections based on sexual conduct. Who would think otherwise? Being true to who they really are, the Congressman and his allies believe that one's sexual conduct trumps the first amendment and their agenda is all or nothing. Now at least Americans can see the hard left's agenda for what it really is, a perverse ideology of irrationality and totalitarianism fueled by hatred and masked as tolerance. May 4, 2014Supreme Court Upholds Town's right to open with prayerIn a major victory consistent with the founding, the Supreme Court upheld the practice of opening prayers at the start of government meetings. The Town of Greece New York opened its meetings with prayer after picking ministers or lay people from a list of town churches. The court held that the prayers were constitutional as they did not degrade other faiths and did not prostilize. Click here for the story January 20, 2014Gov: Cuomo: Pro-Life people not welcome in NY“Are they these extreme conservatives, who are right to life, pro-assault weapon, anti-gay? Is that who they are? Because if that is who they are and if they are extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York.’’ Click here for the story GOP leaders Blast Governor for divisive remarks Click here for the storyGeorge Marlin: Cuomo's comments write off millions of New YorkersMario Cuomo held the same views his son now derides Click here for the story
February 7, 2012
Obama Administration pushes Holy War
Obama tells Christian leader NO for Abortion exemption Click here
Mandate to include Abortion Unites Christians against Federal Government Click here
Catholic League; Contraception mandate will be fought in courts and in streets Click here
U.S. Army moves to silence Chaplains; Arch Bishop declares, “We cannot—we will not—comply with this unjust law.” Click here Obama Administration defends Click here
Air force removed "God" from Air Force Unit patch Click here
More on Religious Liberty
January 30, 2012
And they were called Christians For more then two thousand years, "Christians" have been part of the world's history both good and bad. It was Christians who fought to abolish slavery in America and "Christians" who participated in the Crusades. It is Christians who care for the sick and feed the poor yet those who profess to be "Christians" care little for their neighbor. What is a Christian? Read more.....
February 10, 2012
White House makes concession on contraception rule, opponents not convinced
The President announced earlier today that he is making a change to the contraception rule which required all religious institutions such as hospitals, medical facilities and social service agencies to provide contraception to their employees including abortifacients (drugs that cause abortion) and sterilization regardless of their conscious. The so called compromise which the administration characterized as an accommodation will not force religious institutions to pay for contraception services but would require the insurance providers to provide the services free of charge. As nothing is provided for free, the insurers will end up including the cost in the premiums. So the President's accommodation for the constitution and religious liberty is nothing less then a cheap political gimmick.
Click here for the story
February 7, 2012
NY Assembly Speaker likens religious Equal Access bill to opening door to Ku Klux Klan
In less then one week, over sixty religious groups in the City of New York will be forced out onto the street as the Bloomberg Administration moves to deny religious groups the use of city public schools during non instructional time. The religious groups have rented city schools when school is not in session. Mayor Bloomberg has allowed other groups the use of city schools but has specifically targeted religious groups based on their view point. Read more.......
October 3, 2011
Archbishop Dolan: President's actions "precipitate a national conflict between church and state"
In a letter to the President last month, Archbishop Timothy Dolan, the president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops took issue with the Obama Administration's position that the Defense of Marriage Act is a form of sexual orientation discrimination no different then racial discrimination. This position was contained in a brief filed by the Department of Justice in the matter of Golinski v. U.S. Office of Personal Management arguing that the strict scrutiny standard of legal review should apply to DOMA. In his letter, the Archbishop cautioned the President that “The administration’s failure to change course on this matter will, as the attached analysis indicates, precipitate a national conflict between Church and State, harming both institutions, as well as our Nation as a whole.”
Click here for more on the story December 18, 2010 Federal Government Declares War on God and Christmas Federal Reserve tells several banks to take down references to God and Christmas for the storyFederal Reserve backs down after outcry Click here Contact Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke DHS related group attacks Christians and opponents of gay marriage The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) which was been working with the Department of Homeland Security on identification of hate groups has recently added several Christian organizations as "hate groups" for opposing homosexual marriage. Also included is the National Organization of Marriage (NOM). The Southern Poverty law center which was known for fighting against racial bigotry, has evolved into a ideological fringe group aligned with extremist groups outside the political mainstream. Click here for the story More on the SPLC founder, Click here December 24, 2010 Groups fire back at the SPLC, Click here December 5, 2010 Chase Bank Orders Branch to Remove Christmas Tree for the story
December 21, 2009 What is the Manhattan Declaration? Over the last decade, there has been a movement in our society to exclude those of faith from the public arena. To equate Christian conscious with intolerance and adherence to Judeo-Christian values as extreme. The Manhattan declaration addresses the role of people of faith in our society, an expression of their values, and a call to stand for their convictions. for more information.March 24, 2009 Court Again Rules Town of Oyster Bay Ordinance Unconstitutional
For the past two years, the Nassau County Civic Association has
tried to work with the town of Oyster Bay to amend an ordinance
relating to distributing literature in the public square.
Initially a religious group handed out religious literature in a
public park. The town demanded that the group obtain a permit
but the town had no permit process in place. At some point, a
summons was issued relating to this ordinance. Shortly
thereafter, the initial ordinance was struck down as
unconstitutional. The town then enacted an amended ordinance
which was overly broad and unconstitutional. The US Department
of Justice Special Counsel on Religious Liberty agreed that the
amended ordinance was unconstitutional yet the town in its own
arrogance dragged their feet when asked to amend the ordinance.
Furthermore, our Executive Director an attorney testified that
the law as written was unconstitutional before the town board in
September 2007. For the story, click here May 6, 2008 Defending students right to express religious views at graduation ceremonies The public interest law firm Liberty Counsel announced its annual "Friend or Foe" Graduation Prayer Campaign. The campaign involves educating and if necessary, litigating to ensure that prayer and religious views are not suppressed during graduation ceremonies across the Nation. To obtain a copy of their memorandum of law, click here. For more information, go to Liberty Counsel.December 12, 2007 Defending Religious Liberty On Monday, December 10th, a memorandum of law was sent to all 54 public libraries and over 60 Fire Departments throughout Nassau County addressing religious liberty. The memorandum of law (from the national public interest law firm Alliance Defense Fund) clarified what is legally permissible as to religious expression in the public square and at public buildings. The public libraries also received a copy of the Information letter on Equal Access to clarify when government can regulate or limit speech. The intent of our effort is to ensure that all Nassau residents have the freedom to express their faith by way of speech and not suffer from discrimination based on viewpoint. November 7, 2007 Federal Court upholds equal access for a Bronx Church The Bronx Household of Faith church which waged a ten year battle for the right to use a public school for church services was granted a permanent injunction preventing the New York City Board of Education from blocking their use of school buildings. The NYC Board of Education has repeatedly tried to bar the church from using the school citing "separation of church and state" which is not found in the constitution. The ruling is consistent with Good News v. Central Milford School District-US. Supreme Court, 2001 which held that the government must give equal access to religious groups as it would for other groups with a secular viewpoint in the use of government buildings. Click here for more information.