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June 2, 2020

Criminals Come First

State Democrats reject protecting the public   

As we have warned, NY Democrats are increasingly coming out in favor of criminals over hard working New York residents. This is obviously apparent by the decision of Andrew Cuomo to request an investigation by New York Attorney General Leticia James into the NYPD's handling of the riots in Brooklyn. In an effort to seen as "balanced", he also asked that the actions of the rioters be reviewed as well, what ever that means. In an effort not be outdone, NYC Council President Cory Johnson also called for an investigation of the NYPD and went so far to claim that the Police "set up like the invasion of Normandy" in their response to rioters. While there were peaceful protesters, there were several seeking to engage in acts of violence including the attempted murder of Police Officers, looting, arson, vandalism and destruction of public property.

In a bizarre rambling diatribe, Governor Andrew Cuomo blamed the NYPD and the Mayor for failing to quell the violence and looting in NYC, "It was a disgrace..., “The NYPD and the mayor did not do their job last night." He went on to say that “The police in New York City were not effective in doing their job last night. Period." He then went on the say that he could displace the Mayor and has the power to deploy thirteen thousand national guard members but won't. He then went on to say, “It is a bizarre thing to try to do in this situation,” How is it bizarre to protect people from violence when your the Governor?? The answer is simple, the Governor who has the power to send in the National Guard, the State Police and or other state law enforcement did nothing but play the blame game. Quite disgraceful and a failure of leadership.

In the ongoing war on society and rule of law, a provision hidden in the state's April Budget agreement signed by Governor Andrew Cuomo creates a class E Felony for police to share DMV information with the Department of Homeland Security and Immigration & Customs Enforcement. So when a criminal illegal alien is stopped by police anywhere in the state, the police are now prohibited from sharing information thus shielding the criminal from federal law enforcement. Why would our legislature and Governor go out of their way to protect criminals whether they are citizens, legal residents or those who are here illegally? It comes down to their radical ideological views which are out of touch with reality and the people of New York.

When addressing the civil unrest across the country, Cuomo made the following statement, "Today is day 95 of the situation dealing with the corona virus pandemic," Cuomo said. "And it is day 10 of the situation dealing with the civil unrest after the murder of Mr. Floyd that we all saw on TV. The president held up the bible the other day in Washington, D.C.; Here in New York we actually read the Bible, and there are some passages that I think are especially appropriate for today at this time of where we are." Cuomo then went to cite Matthew 5:9, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God." This from a man who attacked the NYPD in their fight against rioters and who later apologized. What good is it to read the Bible when you reject the actual teachings. Cuomo who enacted the first in the nation infanticide law allowing abortion up to birth has absolutely no moral compass. This from the man who sent Covid positive patients to nursing homes causing the death of thousands. The man who has become the outspoken champion of criminals allowing the elimination of bail allowing criminals out of jail, allowed for the parole of cop killers and has allowed unchecked looting. Now he publically mocks People of Faith. How disgusting.

Putting criminals first is shameful. It is an act of cowards who are willfully ignoring the lessons of 911 which cost thousands of New Yorkers their life. The Governor has become a political thug who is no better than the criminals he protects. The legislature which is there to check the other branches of government has rejected its role along with the people of New York. NYPD Chief of Department Terence Monihan actually addressed the underlying cause of the problem, “Because of bail reform, you’re back out on the street the next day. You cannot be held on any sort of bail. I spoke to (Manhattan District Attorney) Cy Vance about that. He told me there was nothing he could do.” The next time your a victim of a criminal act as a result of legislative changes, remember that when you vote. Your life may depend on it.