"The government is us, we are the government, you and I." Teddy Roosevelt

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December 30, 2024

Hopeless Hochul Hurts New Yorkers

The Governor's policies drive up cost of living

Just when you think it couldn't get any worse for New Yorkers struggling to survive in this state, Governor Hochul has done it again. Her decision to go full steam stupid by signing into law new legislation entitled, the Climate Change Superfund Act will further drive up energy costs for all New York residents and businesses. The law imposes strict  liability for carbon dioxide emissions against companies both foreign and domestic who sell oil and natural gas in New York. The law is projected to impose $75 billion dollars in penalties against oil and natural gas companies over a twenty-five year period. The law was modeled after the federal Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) of 1980. CERLA was designed to hold companies who pollute the environment strictly liable, compel them to clean up polluted sites referred to as "superfund sites" and if they failed to do so, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would complete the clean up under the Superfund Program then seek reimbursement. New York has turned this successful program on its head. Instead of fighting to clean our environment of known toxic chemicals, this legislation seeks to remediate carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Proponents claim that higher amounts of carbon dioxide correlate to higher temperatures which in turn have caused more natural disasters referred to as "climate change" and are only seeking reimbursement of the increased costs to government and society. The reality is simple, this is nothing more than a new energy tax as the companies will pass the cost to consumers.     

The issue of assessing blame or liability for carbon dioxide is quite dubious. Is the law constitutional? Who can be held legally accountable? Does it serve the common good in its totality and effect? What is the real impact of carbon dioxide on the environment? If people use gasoline to drive their vehicles, natural gas to heat their home like Americans have done for over hundred years, how can government make a rational argument of strict liability against companies that produce carbon fuels which are the lifeblood of the American economy? A law that seeks to target companies for prior carbon emissions retroactivity is by definition unconstitutional. By reserving 35% of the funds raised for "disadvantaged communities" partly based on race and ethnicity violates the 14th Amendment's equal protection clause. The effort to hold only the producers of carbon fuels culpable for carbon emissions and not other industries that use carbon fuels is arbitrary and capricious. What about auto companies that produce vehicles with the combustion engine, companies that produce home heating systems, or gas operated power tools? Airline companies operate some of the largest hubs in New York making thousands of flights in and out of New York. Delivery vehicles such as trucks, diesel trains, diesel powered ships and even Uber drivers all produce carbon Dioxide. Climate change alarmists have cited concern over excessive flatulence from cows. New York is one of the largest diary producers in the country. Where does this insanity end? This effort does not serve the common good. Oil, gasoline, propane, natural gas and firewood are lawful products. These products perform as required and in doing so, have transformed America into an economic power house. This in turn has improved the quality of life for millions of Americans in the United States and New York. Carbon dioxide is a naturally occurring gas which is an extremely small part of the gases that compose the earth's atmosphere. It actually comprises .004% of the atmosphere. Therefore, there is a real question as to carbon dioxide's impact on the environment given its prevalence in the atmosphere. 

Like all of the other foolish and absurd schemes enacted recently by Governor Hochul and the New York State legislature, this will go down as another abject public policy failure. Not only is there serious questions about the issue of asserting strict liability against companies that produce a lawful product which brings significant benefits for society, there are questions as to whether this extreme effort to mitigate carbon dioxide will bring any significant  benefit. After all, the stated goal is to reduce carbon dioxide to reduce the world's temperature which will in turn help mitigate "climate change" and therefore reduce the amount of significant natural disasters. The science of "climate change" and the so called remediation efforts are still subject to debate as there remains a dispute over the direct correlation between carbon dioxide and a change in the world's temperature. But even if it can be proven, there would be no actual benefit to society. A study found that even if the whole world stopped using fossil fuels, the temperature would change by one tenth of one degree. Thus the march toward economic suicide and societal destruction will come directly from these type of disastrous public policy choices by our elected leaders. This recent decision comes on top of a long line of reckless moves perpetrated by Governor Hochul and the legislature. All of these radical changes accomplish only one thing and that is the rapid acceleration of energy costs in New York.

The first act of insanity was passage of a mechanism to address "climate change" in 2019 referred to as the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act CLCPA). The purpose of the law was to address "climate change" by reaching zero carbon emissions by 2050. The law would require a reduction of emissions from 1990 levels by 40% in 2030, 85% in 2050 and the remaining 15% would be offset by the planting of more trees. These proposed goals require a wholesale change to New York's power grid from carbon fuels to carbon free sources with the latter being much more costly and unreliable. The CLCPA created a twenty-two member Climate Action Council (CAC) who are tasked with publishing proposals to lower carbon emissions. In 2022, the CAC came out with several new proposals. The first was to ban the sale of all new gas powered vehicles in New York by 2035, a shift of one-two millions homes from natural gas to heat pumps by 2030, three million electric cars in use by 2030, a shift of the power generation in New York to 70% renewable energy by 2030 and a cap and trade system (penalties charged to entities who emit above a specific carbon monoxide cap or credits to those who are below the cap) by the end of the decade. New home construction would ban fossil fuel heating systems by 2025, and ban the replacement of existing heating systems with fossil fuel systems by 2030 for residential homes and 2035 for commercial buildings. The technology for high volume transition to renewable energy remains untested, the cost of the transition will be catastrophic and the proposed time rime is not feasible considering these limitations. Given practical realities, these extreme proposals are nonsensical and non viable.

In 2021, Governor Hochul signed a law banning the sale of all gas powered internal combustion engine vehicles, light duty trucks and off road vehicles by 2035. The law also bans the sale of all gardening equipment including lawn mowers, trimmers and leaf blowers by 2027. In 2023, Hochul also announced a ban on the purchase of new internal combustion engine school buses beginning in 2027 consistent with the CLCPA. This mandate would require all 50,000 school buses to transudation to electric with a target date of 2035. As we have written previously, the economic bond passed on 2022, the Clean Water, Clean Air, and Green Jobs Environmental Act only provides 3% of the cost for the transition to electric buses. Therefore, unless other funding is provided from other sources, the remaining cost will be bourne directly by residents through higher local school taxes. The key takeaways are the necessity of this transition, the unrealistic time line for the transition, the reliability of renewable energy overall and the huge increase in energy costs associated with the transition and use of renewable energy. The end result is a higher cost of living in every aspect of New York's economy and inflation thanks to hopeless Hochul. 


Previous Opinion and Editorials




Hopeless Hochul Hurts New Yorkers
The Governor's policies drive up cost of living  December 30, 2024

Trump Triumphs
The greatest political comback of all time  November 30, 2024

Hate Is Not a Winning Message
The Biden-Harris political strategy  November 1, 2024

Vote No New York Prop One
Poorly worded amendment has consequences  October 31, 2024

The Kamala Harris Immigration Plan
Open borders continue  October 26, 2024

Hochul Needs to Put New Yorkers First
It's time to improve life in New York  August 31, 2024

The Left Fueled the Attack on Trump
Dehumanizing your opponent has consequences  July 15, 2024

Biden Moves to Eliminate Gas Vehicles
New EPA rule seeks to end Consumer choice  march 20, 2023



NY Gov Hochul Rejects 2A Rights
New Gun law more restrictive than one declared unconstitutional  July 13, 2022

NY's Plan to Drive Energy Costs Higher
The irrational war on fossil fuels has a cost June 1, 2022

A Real Plan to Stop Gun Violence
Hold criminals accountable May 31, 2022

A Collective Loss of Conscious
A socity cannot survive if it rejects rational truth may 30, 2022

Those Who Look for God Will Find Him
Where are you looking? April 16, 2022

Escape From New York
Manhattan DA Bragg welcomes criminals to NYC  January 15, 2022

NY to Ration Covid Care Based on Race
Governor Hochul embraces systemic racism  January 5, 2022


New York's KGB Program
Governor Hochul's unconstitutional effort to target speech  November 22, 2023

The Party of Hamas
The Democrat Party's rejection of Israel  October 31, 2023

Biden's Border War on America
Open borders are Biden's policy  August 4, 2023

Governor Hochul Disregards the Constitution
New Yorker's Rights are trampled  July 24, 2023

New York Budget Insanity
Legislature loses control on fiscal sanity  July 14, 2023

Supreme Court Rules for Religious Liberty
LGBT movement must recognize religious conscience rights  July 6, 2023    

Affirming Equal Opportunity for All  
Supreme Court Rejects Affirmative Action  June 29, 2023

NYS is Wrong on Electric Vehicles
A reckless energy policy with no benefits  May 15, 2023

Rejecting Bigotry
Critical Race Theory must be rejected  January 8, 2023




King Cuomo to Closing Businesses, You Should be Happy
State Covid Restrictions are Tyranny  December 16, 2020

Political Dispute over CARES Funds
Much about nothing  December 14, 2020

NY Museum of Natural History: Take Teddy Roosevelt Statue Down
The purging of history continues June 22, 2020

Criminals Come First
State Democrats reject protecting the public June 2, 2020

Cuomo Nursing Home Scandal Requires Federal Investigation
State Covid 19 policies caused thousands of deaths  May 7, 2020

NYC Speaker Johnson Gives Hate to First Responders
Targets Christians based on their belief  May 7, 2020

More for New York Criminals
NY Progressives love for criminals February 11, 2020

A Criminal's Friend; Andrew Cuomo & the NYS Legislature
The move to release criminals without bail  January 3, 2020 



What is Critical Race Theory?
A destructive ideology December 22, 2021

Protect Election Integrity in NY
Vote No on Props 1,3,4 on the back of your ballot October 31, 2021

Cuomo Harassment Scandal
AG finds Cuomo harassed multiple women August 3, 2021

DOJ Drops Cuomo Nursing Home Probe
A lack of accountability July 23, 2021

SCOTUS Upholds Religious Liberty
Protects Church run adopion agencies June 17, 2021

Cuomo Withheld Nursing Home Data
Time for actions by the legislature February 14, 2021








The Presidential Impeachment Show
The hypocrisy of Democrat Socialist Progressives September 30, 2019

Supreme Court Right to Uphold Asylum Rules
Court says no to border disorder  September 11, 2019

NY Green New Deal will kill State's Economy
Higher energy, no more natural gas  June 24, 2019

Albany Insanity: NY Driver Licenses for Illegal Aliens
Governor Cuomo and Legislature place New Yorker's at risk  June 18, 2019

Trump Triumph on the Border
The real battle lies with domestic enemies  June 11, 2019

Gay Marriage, the Blugeon of Bigotry
How radicals are trying to rewrite the 1st Amendment May 23, 2019

Green Deal is a Bad Deal
A socialist roadmap to destroy America  March 1, 2019

Bigotry: A Principle of the Democrat Party
The party that embraces racism and religious bigotry February 2, 2019

America Needs the Wall
The President must continue to fight for border security January 28, 2019

NY Governor Cuomo & Legislature Approve Infanticide
Gone are the days making abortion safe and rare January 22, 2019


Property Tax Misfire
Curran needs a better plan on property taxes October 2, 2018

The Supreme Smear
The attempt to Bork Judge Brett Kavanaugh October 2, 2018

Defending Religious Liberty for Real
DOJ to creat religous liberty task force July 30, 2018

NY Says Race Quotas to Continue
SUNY & CUNY to continue to use race as a factor in admission July 6, 2018

Florida High School Shooting Calls for Action
Real answers versus political rhetoric February 26, 2018

Dems Fold on Gov't Shut Down
Putting Illegal Immigrants First January 22, 2018







Victory: Tax Credit Becomes Law
Helps those with cancer and other serious illnesses 
December 22, 2017

NY Ballot Questions 2017, Our recomendations
Proposed amendments to the state constitution October 30, 2017

Trump Refugee Moratorium Protects America
Common sense versus left wing hysteria January 30, 2017



File it under unbelievable, Gender is dead
Obama claims sex segregated bathrooms same as Jim Crow     May 18, 2016

NY Congressman Targets Faith Community
Sean Maloney Pushes Bigotry May 19, 2016

Wage Wars
Minimum wage hike will be costly  April 23, 2016 





The Nation of the Cross
The battle against Islamic Fascism February 16, 2015

Thirty-Nine Thousand and Counting (illegal alien border children)
Newsday gets it wrong again  April 13, 2015

Illegitimate Court
Only one definition of marriage  June 26, 2015

Never Let a Good Crisis go to Waste
War on the South  July 15, 2015

Boyscout Leadership Reject Founding Values
Move toward death spiral  July 13, 2015 

The Lesion of Oyster Bay
Voters send a message  November 9, 2015

Say NO to Syrian Refugees
Is it worth the risk? November 17, 2015

Terrorism: The Price of Presidential Indifference
Obama and his allies have blood on their hands  December 3, 2015



Destructing the Constitution
President unilaterally changes Immigration law November, 30, 2014

Man Made Epidemic
Politics trumps health policy October 5, 2014

Activist, radical and ideologue
The new norm for America's AG  September 28, 2014

"Border Children" or Border Insanity?
Newsday's twisted view  August 4, 2014

Dishonor and the VA
American Veterans deserve better   May 27, 2014    

A matter of Black and White
The debate over race  April 30, 2014

Amnesty Light
Republican principles are not different  February 4, 2014








Free Speech for all
Duck Dynasty vs. bigotry   December 30, 2013

Bad Politics
Nassau towns raise taxes and take pay raises   December 30, 2013

The October Surprise
Obama Care and the failure of big gov't  November 13, 2013

NY Ballot Amendments
Our recommendations   October 31, 2013

False Promises
Time for answers on immigration  July 5, 2013

Marriage Battle Continues
What the court's decision means  June 26, 2013

It's all about Amnesty
Senate bill rejects border security   May 29, 2013

Albany Strikes again
Free college aid to illegal aliens   April 2, 2013

Sleight of hand
In the end, the numbers don't lie   March 15, 2013

On my Honor
The Boy Scouts need to stand on principle  February 4, 2013

Radicalism unleashed
NY moves to lift ban on late term abortion  January 23, 2013




Guns, Guilt and Gall
Turning a tragedy into an opportunity  December 31, 2012

Cold Blooded Murder
The killing of a cop and grandfather  October 24, 2012

A Disagreement of Values and Hate
The new morality  July 25, 2012

Obama Care and the expansion of federal power
The penalty tax June 29, 2012

Immigration Anarchy
President refuses to enforce  federal law  June 24, 2012

Wink, Wink, nod, nod 
The President's position on marriage   May 9, 2012

Albany Wins Again
The politics of Reform  April 24, 2012

Community Policing Plan makes fiscal sense
Balancing safety with fiscal reality   February 17, 2012

New York and Equal Access
People of Faith are unwelcome   February 7, 2012

America, Brick by Brick
The disconnect in the President's speech  January 26, 2012





The Cuomo Plan; Tax and spend a little less
Like father, like son   December 7, 2011

It's the Economy Stupid
Cuomo; All American for Homosexual Marriage  November 2, 2011

September 11th, Postscript
A decade later, American values still matter  September 27, 2011

The Truth behind homosexual marriage 
It's not about equality, but the loss of liberty for the majority  June 18, 2011

Step Two
Bringing fiscal sanity to Albany  May 17, 2011

The Battle of the Union
Public employees versus taxpayers  March 8, 2011

The Obama Doctrine; Any Means Necessary
The President declares federal marriage law unconstitutional  February 23, 2011

An issue of eligibility
Is the President a "natural born" citizen  January 25, 2011 




The Day America's Armed Forces Died
The Senate votes to allow open homosexuality in the ranks  December 18, 2010

A State of Anarchy
New York must cut spending, cut taxes  November 11, 2010

America on the Precipice
A course correction  November 5, 2010

Borrowing and Spending
Nassau taxpayers get stuck with the bill  September 15, 2010

The truth and the Mosque
It's not about religious liberty  September 2, 2010

Marriage and Morality
The case for Prop 8  August 12, 2010

The Obama Referendum
Voters will have their say this November  August 6, 2010

Why Leadership Counts
Is Obama the next Carter?  June 10, 2010

Arizona Rising
Taking a stand for America  April 29, 2010

The Tea Party Movement
Every day people  February 27, 2010




Just words, Just Speeches
The unraveling of the Obama Administration  December 31, 2009

Is Consolidation the answer?
"Yes" and "No"  October 4, 2009

Senator What-ever-brand
Who is Kristen Gillibrand?  September 20, 2009

Nassau County or New York City? 
Yes to development, no to the Lighthouse Project  August 11, 2009

Closing Guantanamo Bay
What is the alternative?  May 28, 2009

The Constitution, How Firm a Foundation
Second time town ordinance found unconstitutional  April 22, 2009   

A tax Too Far
Nassau Legislature over reaches on taxes  February 28, 2009

Hope versus bitterness
A new beginning or more of the same?  January 30 2009





How to eliminate the middle class in NY  December 23, 2008

A tale of Two Politicians
Hypocrite or reformer?  October 4, 2008

America in Fiscal Crisis
Who's to blame?  October 2, 2008

The Battle Over Accessory Apartments
The People prevailed!  September 23, 2008

Solving our Energy Crisis
A real solution.  August 12, 2008

As goes California, so goes the nation
A new definition of marriage.  July 31, 2008

Taxpayers Look for Relief
Are there any answers?  May 12, 2008

The Rhetoric of Reform
Rhetoric is a poor substitute for action...  April 28, 2008

Nothing Changes   
High taxes forever in our future  February 26, 2008

Nassau Legislature Starts Divisive New Year
ctivist gives invocation  January 3, 2008






The Debate Over Pay Raises
A Sixty percent salary increase is unreasonable  December 19, 2007

Affordable Housing Initiative will destroy Suburbia
The devil is in the details  November 29, 2007

An American Dream or Nightmare
Tom Suozzi, Open borders advocate  October 4, 2007

Governor Spitzer Steamrolls the People
Why all Americans are in danger  September 23, 2007

Damn the People
The implications of homosexual marriage  July 26, 2007

Day One Never Came
Elliot Spitzer, a case study in failure  June 30, 2007

The Audacity of Arrogance and Cowardice
The amnesty plan that will destroy America  May 30, 2007

A Plan of Action
Reforming Nassau County Government  May 10, 2007

The Suozzi Plan
Credible reform must include tax relief  March 27, 2007

Albany Speak
Reform or politics as usual  March 5, 2007

Government Knows Best
Mandating the use of the Merck drug Gardasil  February 12, 2007



A celebration of culture or a holiday of hate?  December 31, 2006

The War on Christmas
"Inclusion" or common sense  November 29, 2006

Violation of the Public Trust
Putting politics above the law  October 26, 2006

The War on Terror
An unconventional war requiring a unconventional strategy 
September 14, 2006

Re-defining Marriage One Step at a Time
Defending marriage in word while destroying it in deed  July 6, 2006

Amnesty Versus Enforcement
How the Senate is importing voters  May 24, 2006

Defending Marriage in Nassau
Marriage is not a game of semantics  April 14, 2006

How to address School Taxes
The answer is accountability  January 30, 2006









Our National Anthem
And now the rest of the story!  December 17, 2005

In Defense of Liberty
Freedom endowed by our Creator  November 28, 2005

Fight Higher Taxes
Vote NO on proposal 1 & 2  November 6, 2005

Sexual Predators
How the New York State Legislature is refusing to protect our children!  October 26, 2005

Beware of prices at the pump
Time to fight back  September 23, 2005

Judicial Nominees and the Use of Religious Test
Philosophy and faith versus competance and qualifications  August 26, 20005

Election Reform for Accountability
Local Election and your right to know!  June 29, 2005

Illegal Aliens and Driver Licenses
The push for reform  May 28, 2005

Criminal Rights Over Victims Rights
How the legislature put criminals first.  March 11, 2005

Benefits for Hospital Workers
The other side of the debate  February 10, 2005

The Call for Open and Honest Government
The People Have a Right to Know!!  January 30, 2005











The Constitution and Religious Liberty
Have we forgotten God and common sense?  December 7, 2004

How We Can Help
Religious Discrimination

Announcement by the Liberty Counsel
Legal assistance will be provided

While we need to fix Albany, reform begins at home
Taxpayers hit twice with property and school tax hikes!  November 10, 2004

Nassau County Legislature's Pay Hike Shelved
Do Tax Hikes Justify Pay Hikes?  September 21, 2004

School District Financial Reform
Nassau County Civic Association, Inc. Proposals sent to the Nassau County Legislature.  July 19, 2004

School Tax Defeat
Once is not enough. June 7, 2004

Take Control Of Your Taxes
How You Can Control Your High School Taxes!  March 20, 2004

The State of Nassau County
Has the county improved?  March 15, 2004

Trickle Down Tax Affects, Effect Residents & Business Alike
Taxes are bad for business.  February 29, 2004

Why America Went to War!
September 11, 2001, a date that will live in infamy or a date almost forgotten?  January 31, 2004

Fiscal Trauma At Nassau County Medical Center
A hard pill to swallow.  January 25, 2004

The Illegal Alien Amnesty
Is it reform or amnesty for millions of illegal aliens. January 18, 2004


Under-funded Pensions Mean New Taxes
The real cost of public pensions November 16, 2003

How High Is Your New School Tax Bill, Too High?
Welcome to the education of hard knocks.  October 25, 2003