NASSAU COUNTY CIVIC ASSOCIATION, INC. "The government is us, we are the government, you and I." Teddy Roosevelt |
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August 6, 2010
The Obama Referendum
Voters will have their say this November
Since his election almost two years ago, the varnish of hope and change have faded into the reality of the real Barack Obama. Its not confidence and moderation, it is the aura of confusion and the boot of extremism. Instead of pushing a common sense agenda, he went against the grain of mainstream politics steered by a radical ideology aided and abetted by his congressional enablers in the House and Senate. Actually believing his own rhetoric, he thought he could dictate his vision against the will of the American people. Fortunately, voters will have the opportunity this November to weigh in on his policies.
The terrorist attack on September 11th is one of the most glaring examples of the ideology of hate that wants to destroy America, Islamic fascism. Without question, it is the basis for our war on terrorism. Yet President Obama has refused to acknowledge the ongoing battle with America in the crosshairs. He has banished the use of the phrase, "war on terror", he has labeled enhanced interrogation techniques as torture, he has downplayed the numerous attacks on American soil and has repeatedly sought to try foreign terrorists in American courts. Most level headed Americans understand that its the President's job to protect the homeland and not play the role of a anthropologist seeking to understand why the radical jihadists want to kill us.
One of the most important aspects of national security is protecting our borders. Again, the President has been on the wrong side of the issue. The 911 commission report made it clear that immigration enforcement and border security can not be ignored, however this administration has refused to acknowledge our open borders. Instead of completing the border fence which was mandated by congress, the administration has halted it's construction. Interior enforcement no longer includes deportation but increasing relies on the issuance of employer fines. The administration's recent budget for the Border Patrol included cuts in the number of Border agents (Congress has since increased the budget). With increased criminal activity on the border, border excursions by drug smugglers and wonton acts of murder, the State of Arizona enacted legislation in response to the federal government's failure to enforce immigration laws. Instead of offering assistance to the border states, the Obama administration filed suit against the state of Arizona. The federal government's claim that state's cannot enforce immigration law is laughable considering that current federal law under the 287g program gives local law enforcement officers the right to enforce federal immigration law. Even so, the only major policy initiative being floated by this administration is amnesty via executive action which will authorize "deferred action" and or the "parole" of millions of illegal aliens bypassing congress. Who's side is the President on?
Further showing that he is out of touch with the American People, the President pushed and passed the largest overhaul of the American Healthcare system even though a majority of Americans oppose the plan and a majority want to see it repealed. As further evidence of the unpopularity of the Obama administration's signature issue, this past week 71% of Missouri voters backed a ballot initiative which rejected the requirement that people have healthcare insurance or be penalized for not maintaining insurance. Increased opposition is expected once other portions of the legislation kick in. The simple fact is nothing is for free. The more people that are covered for healthcare will increase the cost of healthcare. Add in the slew of new taxes, the outcome will be less healthcare for those who pay and higher taxes on the back of the middle class. Instead of fixing what's broke, the Obama administration chose to emulate the failed policies of Canada and England, yet both countries have acknowledged the failure of universal healthcare and are now looking to reform the way their healthcare is delivered.
One of the most contentious issues surrounding the Obama Presidency is the administration's decision to spend its way out of the recession. Since assuming office, the Obama administration has added more then 3 trillion dollars to the national debt. Trillion dollar annual budget deficits are projected to be the norm for years to come. The financial bailouts have exceeded more then 3.7 trillion in commitments according to a report last month by the Special Inspector General of the Troubled Asset Relief Program, Neil Barofsky. His report states; "Indeed, the current outstanding balance of overall Federal support for the nation's financial system...has actually increased more than 23% over the past year, from approximately $3.0 trillion to $3.7 trillion -- the equivalent of a fully deployed TARP program -- largely without congressional action, even as the banking crisis has, by most measures, abated from its most acute phases," yet the Obama administration is floating another bailout of epic proportions. Reuters columnist James Pethokoukis reported yesterday that Government backed lenders Fannie May and Freddie Mac may forgive the mortgage debt of millions who own homes with worth less then their current mortgages. So much for the rhetoric of accountability and protecting taxpayer funds. This is madness plain and sure.
Whether its national security or economic stability, the President is clearly out of touch with the American people. We are talking about common sense. Blinded by his radical philosophy of socialistic big government and his deluded self as leader of the world, the President needs to return to earth. Our Republic is governed by our constitution. The President and the legislative branch serve at the pleasure of the People. Political rhetoric serves a purpose when running for office but the ultimate standard to measure success or failure in politics is results. Unfortunately for the President and his party, the question for voters this November is in the form of a referendum, "Is this the type of change you were hoping for?