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October 31, 2023

The Party of Hamas

The Democrat Party's rejection of Israel

The United States government and its citizens have supported the state of Israel since its founding in 1948. Through multiple regional conflicts, our government has supplied arms and logistical support to help Israel defend itself from Arab aggression. The basis for these conflicts is without question a rejection of Israel's right to exist by many Arab countries and entities. There is also the question of the Palestinians. Looking at history, Israel has always existed from Biblical times. As to Palestine, there is certainly a debate as to whether there is an historical context for an actual Palestinian state versus Arabic people who have resided in the region during the Ottoman Empire and British rule. Even so, the United Nations partition plan of 1947 called for the creation of a Jewish state and a Palestinian state with Jerusalem being governed by international agreement. Upon the exit of the British in 1948, the Jewish people accepted the plan, declared the State of Israel and were immediately attacked by their Arab neighbors. After Israel's victory in their war for independence, the Gaza strip remained under the control of Egypt and the West Bank under the control of Jordan until the "Six Day War" in 1967 in which both were annexed by Israel along with Syria's Golan Heights. Gaza and the West bank have been governed by the Palestinian Authority since 1995. Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005 and Hamas, a designated terror group was elected in 2007. The West Bank continues to be governed by the Palestinian Authority.   

For over twenty years, Palestinians in Gaza have fired thousands of rockets into Israel. Israel has occasionally responded with brief military operations inside Gaza, however the rocket attacks have continued unabated. Israel has since set up an air defense system which consists of air raid sirens, shelters and a anti-ballistic missile system called the "Iron Dome". Dozens of people have been killed and hundreds have been wounded. Palestinian groups have tried to justify the attacks claiming that Israel has engaged in a blockade of Gaza even though Israel allows water, food and fuel to enter daily into Gaza. Israel has also granted work permits for thousands of Gaza residents to work inside Israel. For several decades, Israel has allowed international agencies to transport billions of dollars of  humanitarian aid into Gaza even while Gaza continued to fire missiles into Israel. Therefore, one can reasonably argue that Israel at a minimum has acted in accordance with international law and in reality has acted above and beyond given the extreme circumstances of being constantly under attack.

Continuing to look at reality, what country would be willing to live under the daily conditions of being subject to missile attacks on their residents? If a group in Canada began firing rockets into New York, how long would it take the United States to take action? Even worse, an invasion of terrorists into another country where they engage in barbaric acts of violence and war crimes. This is exactly what occurred on October 7, 2023 at Israel western border. Initially, thousands of rockets were fired into Israel in the early morning hours during a Jewish holiday. Then thousands of Hamas terrorists breached Israel's border fence and began to kill, maim, rape and torture Israeli and foreign civilians. Several were taken hostage. This attack is no different then the 911 attack on America except for the proportional  number of those killed. So Israel made the only rational choice available and that was to engage the terror group Hamas. The only solution to combat terror is to defeat it. This can only be accomplished by the complete destruction of Hamas on the battlefield. Never again can only be realized by a complete Victory. Does this sound familiar?   

The equivocation of the Biden Administration is deeply troubling. Asking Israel to pause the fighting and not explain exactly what they mean by having a pause is nothing short of political posturing. This is not the time for any pause in Israel's war on terrorism. Behind the scenes the administration is pushing Israel to limit their actions in scope and time due to concerns of international pressure over civilian causalities. Israel has always been careful not to inflict civilian causalities, however Hamas bears the majority of responsibility for causing civilian deaths and injuries due to their decision to build tunnels under hospitals, schools and other civilian centers in order to fire rockets at Israel using the cover of civilians. Yet Congresswomen Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (D-NY) has accused Israel of war crimes. Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) accused Israel of committing genocide and posting the phrase, "from the river to the sea" which refers to the destruction of Israel. A significant number of elected Democrats been silent on the terror attack. Numerous progressive college student groups and professors have publically professed support for Hamas or expressed anti-Semitic hate. Dozens of protests by Progressive groups across the country have blamed Israel for the violence and have ignored the barbaric acts of terrorism that triggered Israel's response. Even those leaders who know better have been low key. Where is Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and others?

There must be one standard for all people whether they are defending themselves against terrorism or hatred. History is replete with examples of false moral equivalency which have led to history repeating itself. We must learn from history and never forget. There is nothing wrong with anyone expressing concerns for Palestinian civilians. Whether disregarding or justifying the actions of Hamas, celebrating the carnage or laying the blame on Israel is totally unacceptable. To do so meets the definition of evil. How can we deny what we see with our own eyes? The Democrat party and their allies need to explain why they have decided to reject Israel and the Jewish people. As the conflict continues, only time will tell.