NASSAU COUNTY CIVIC ASSOCIATION, INC. "The government is us, we are the government, you and I." Teddy Roosevelt |
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January 23, 2013
Radicalism unleashed
Cuomo embraces infanticide
In a move reminiscent of the dark ages, Andrew Cuomo has introduced legislation that would over turn New York's ban on third trimester abortions. Current New York law allows abortions up to 24 weeks. Third trimester abortions are currently illegal and carry criminal penalties. The exception is when the mother's life is "in danger". The governor's legislation would change the definition to "the health" of the mother and eliminate criminal penalties. The new definition would allow full term abortion for such conditions as depression.
The late New York Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, a supporter of abortion rights called third trimester abortions "infanticide". When Congress passed a ban on late term abortions referred to as partial birth abortions in 2003, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada) voted for the ban as well as Judiciary Chairman Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont).
The Governor's plan doesn't stop there. His "Reproductive Health Act would
eliminate the requirement that only doctors perform abortions allowing any
health care provider to perform the procedure. As abortion is a serious medical
procedure, the change would place thousands of women at risk of complications
including death. His plan would also codify abortion as a "fundamental right"
which would eliminate any right of conscious for those of faith. The law would
require religious affiliated hospitals to perform abortions and refer women for
the procedure.
The legislation goes well beyond Roe vs. Wade. The Supreme court has ruled that states may regulate abortion as long as those regulations do not place an "undue burden" on the right to abortion. The proposed law would bar any current and future reasonable restrictions on abortion. New York currently has minimal restrictions on abortion. Possible future restrictions that are supported by the majority of Americans such as parental notification, limits on taxpayer funding of abortion and appropriate state oversight would be banned.
New York State is the abortion capital of the world. In 2011, the New York City Health Department reported that 41% of all pregnancies in New York City end in abortion. The figure is 33% for the State of New York. Most Governor's who support abortion rights seek to make abortion "safe, legal and rare", however not Governor Cuomo. His extremist view is to make abortion less safe, remove limits on abortion for nine month old babies and actually increase the number of abortions. He then seeks to silence those of faith who oppose abortion and require that they violate their conscious by being complicit in performing or facilitating the procedure.
Instead of addressing the problems facing every day New Yorkers such as jobs, excessive taxes and economic growth, the Governor is fixated on running for President by enacting radical policies that help no one except what he perceives as his pathway to his party's nomination in 2016. By embracing infanticide, Andrew Cuomo has shown that radicalism in the pursuit of ambition blinds the heart to common morality and decency. In the words of the Governor, "her choice her body, her choice her body, her choice, her body.....