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May 19, 2016

NY Congressman Targets Faith Community

Sean Maloney pushes bigotry

In a blatant attempt to legislate Anti-Christian bigotry, New York Congressman Sean Maloney attempted to push an amendment that would nullify protections for churches and religious entities that do business with the federal government. Congress recently passed an amendment to an appropriations bill that would offset an executive order by Barack Obama that stripped churches and religious organizations of their ability to live by their conscious and faith when entering into contracts with the federal government. The Congressman dishonestly claimed that it was about preventing bigotry while trying to engage in his own bigotry against people of faith.

In the beginning, the push for protections based on sexual conduct were only for employment protections for those who claim that they were often targeted based on what they do in their bedroom. As the protections were based on conduct not immutable differences such as race, color or creed, there was absolutely no question as to why churches, religious organizations and people of faith would object as the objection was based on Biblical teaching on sexual conduct. Further more, the first amendment specifically protects Americans in the practice of their faith. As the right to religious liberty was so important, it was the first right listed in the Constitution's Bill of Rights. Thus there was a constitutional presumption that religious liberty would trump protections based on sexual conduct. Who would think otherwise?

Being true to who they really are, the Congressman and his allies believe that one's sexual conduct trumps the first amendment and seek to push the full force of their agenda as all or nothing. Any compromise in order to balance the rights of people of faith with those who seek protections for private sexual conduct is summarily rejected and portrayed as enshrining bigotry in law. The strategy is straight forward; silence people of faith and marginalize their views. Once this task is achieved, the left will have total domination over the sexual revelution no matter how extreme and no matter how absurd. The only positive outcome of this episode is seeing the naked ambition of the left. It is a perverse ideology of irrationality and totalitarianism fueled by hatred and masked as tolerance.