NASSAU COUNTY CIVIC ASSOCIATION, INC. "The government is us, we are the government, you and I." Teddy Roosevelt |
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December 3, 2015
Terrorism: The Price of Presidential Indifference
Obama and his allies have blood on their hands
The mass shooting in San Bernardino, California is a direct result of the President's failure to acknowledge the danger of radical Islam and his policy of indifference to national security. While Americans of all backgrounds can agree to disagree on public policy issues, all Americans agree that the federal government has a duty and constitutional obligation to protect its citizens. President Obama is the very reason Americans are unsafe. Similar to a deer caught in the headlights, he is paralyzed by his own radical ideology which in turn has created a vacuum for radical Islam to thrive.
Without waiting for all the facts to come in and showing restraint, the President engaged in crass political opportunism by immediately calling for more gun control. Earlier today, it was confirmed that the rifles and hand guns were purchased legally, however gun control is not the issue. The issue is terrorism fueled by radical Islam. There is little doubt that this was indeed a terrorist attack. The attack was well planned, it involved more than one person, numerous improvised explosive devices were found in the home of the shooters Syed Farook and his wife Tashfeen Malik, Farook was in communication with other radical Muslims who were known to the FBI and he was described by his father as very religious who recently made a trip to Saudi Arabia. The second shooter his wife recently immigrated from Pakistan and also lived in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia promotes and practices an extreme form of Islam known as Wahhabism. So why then would the President focus on more gun control?
The answer lies in the President's ideology which views the United States and our founding fathers as evil. Yes America has warts but it is the greatest country on earth. Just ask the millions of people who try to come here year after year. Even after this evil act of terrorism, the President continues to push for more Syrian refugees and continues to encourage mass illegal immigration. The border remains wide open with recent reports of thirty thousand Cubans attempting to enter the U.S. via Central America, tens of thousands of unaccompanied minors who continue to pour over the border, Mexicans who continue to come and those deemed other than Mexican which include those from the middle east. Tens of thousands of criminal aliens continue to be released to the streets and ICE just returned over 100 million in funds claiming there is not enough illegal aliens to deport. How can anyone in government claim credibility on national security when we have no control of our borders?
The administration's policies against radical Islam are non existent. The President believes that Islam is a religion of peace and the "very few" who engage in violence are trying to distort the truth of Islam. While it true that a majority of Muslims are peaceful, it is equally true that there are significant numbers who agree with violent Jihad. There are even larger numbers who support terrorism and the imposition of Sharia law which in of itself is based on brutality and violence. This President is so blinded by his bias toward Islam and his hostility against Christians, he has done nothing to help Christians who are being slaughtered by barbaric means such as crucifixion in the middle east. Almost all of the Syrian refugees he wants to bring into the U.S. are Muslims but not Christians who are the target of genocide. The President has a long history of being openly hostile to Christians in particular when running for the Presidency he commented, "And it's not surprising then that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations,". When the President mocked opponents of his Syrian refugee policy by saying, "Apparently they are scared of widows and orphans coming into the United States of America", it was quite shocking that he has no recollection about the black widows of Chechnya. These "widows" motivated by radical Islam targeted Russian civilians by suicide attacks.
America which has a history of leadership throughout the world is now in retreat. Our foreign policy is one of lapping at the boots of terror regimes such as Iran and being disengaged. Who would ever imagine that Vladimir Putin would bring credibility to Russia's foreign policy as compared to America's? Its quite obvious that President Obama does not have the gravitas to handle the threat of ISIS and radical Islam. He would rather remain focused on transforming America into a land with hollow institutions devoid of meaning and the "me generation" on steroids. What is odd is even the most uninformed citizen understands that the most important issue is preventing the likely proliferation of indiscriminate terrorist attacks on American soil. This will require killing radical jihadists overseas before they come here, banning immigration from countries permeated with a radical ideology or culture, tightening our visa policy which waives visas for 34 nations with a history of radical Islam, immediate operation control of the border with expedited removal of illegal aliens and a robust and sustained campaign again ISIS.
The campaign against ISIS needs to be multipronged. The current bombing campaign initiated by the President is insignificant and is a failure. ISIS now controls large swatches of Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen and has roots in numerous other countries in the world. As demonstrated by the Paris bombing, ISIS was not contained and has likely arrived on our shores. A coalition of nations will be required to include our middle eastern partners. A large multinational expeditionary force must be established and must be prepared to respond to facts on the ground on short notice. Our human intelligence capacities must be expanded and the rules of engagement must be liberalized. The finances of ISIS must be disrupted and frozen when ever uncovered. Pressure must be brought to bear against Saudi Arabia to stop the proliferation of Wahhabism and the U.S. must reconsider our policy that calls for the removal of Syrian President Assad.
The 911 Commission report made it crystal clear what needs to be done to protect America, yet the President and his allies in congress continue on this reckless path to disregard reality in pursuit of blind ideology. Paris was a wake up call which this administration choose to ignore. Unless we have a course correction, reality will ultimately prevail and more innocent Americans will die. President Obama and his congressional allies have blood on their hands.