"The government is us, we are the government, you and I." Teddy Roosevelt


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December 16, 2020

King Cuomo to Closing Businesses, You Should be Happy......

State Covid restrictions are tyranny   

In his typical display of arrogance and swagger without any regard for the plight of struggling business owners, Andrew Cuomo responded to the criticism of his new ban on indoor dining in NYC, "You should be HAPPY because if we don't change the trajectory, we're going to go to shutdown, and then your business is going to close." Banning indoor dining when he knows that only 1.43% of state Covid cases are linked to restaurants and dining is not science but pure stupidity.

At the same time while criminals are rampaging in New York due to Cuomo's bail reform, he signed legislation that seeks to ban Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE) from arresting criminals at court houses. The very reason arrests are made at court houses is due to the Governor's policies that support jurisdictions in New York which release criminals from the jails instead of turning them over to ICE. The legislation is pure fiction as state law cannot supersede federal enforcement of federal law. Encouraging crime during a pandemic is not a rational response.

Not to be out done with even more useless, unenforceable laws, the Governor signed a bill that prohibits the sale of Confederate flags and other symbols defined as hate on state property. Yet he acknowledged that the law is unconstitutional as it is inconsistent with the first amendment. Where is his focus on addressing the economic crisis caused by his Covid policies?

Meanwhile, the
Supreme Court slap down of Cuomo's unconstitutional Covid rules for churches is reverberating all across the country. The top court sent back challenges to state Covid rules in New Jersey and in California for further review at the district court consistent with their ruling in Agudath Israel of America v. Cuomo. Instead of calibrating his actions, he has used the heavy hand of government to force irrational restrictions and rules upon New York residents. Some of these decisions have led to deadly results such as his Covid 19 nursing home policies.

Freedom is not a right granted by government, it is a natural right. The right to life and safety is equally important. When government through their elected officials become unmoored from their responsibility to the people they serve, there should be no surprise how power corrupts to the point of real consequences. In this case it involves the financial well being of our businesses, the constitutional right of assembly by our faith community and the death of our elderly love ones. Tyranny has consequences.