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July 5, 2013

False Promises

We need answers on illegal immigration

We the People of the United States of America were given a false guarantee by our elected civil servants in 1986; The Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA). The IRCA which was enacted on November 6, 1986 was to be the end all regarding the immigration problem of 2,700,000 living illegally in the United States of America. We now know that the People were lied to by our elected civil servants as we now have 11 million here illegally. We the People are once again being told the falsehood that our immigration system is broken, again.  The Senators who held meetings in secret to craft the bill are referred to as the “Gang of Eight”. The name is kind of interesting. It sounds like the ruthless cut throat 1920’s Mafia. They continue to use dishonesty and repeat the same mendacious falsehood again, "we need comprehensive immigration reform". Two of the Senators from the “Gang of Eight” who voted for the current Senate bill, Senator Chuck Schumer and Dick Durbin also voted in favor of the failed Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) in 1986 while in the House of Representatives. So what what is the difference this time around? Not much. There are two major provisions from the 1986 Amnesty that are being played like a broken record again and again.

IRCA had two major components. The first provided amnesty to illegal immigrants already in the United States. Long-term undocumented immigrants who could prove residency in the United States continuously since before January 1, 1972, were permitted to apply for permanent status that would lead to American citizenship. Aliens residing illegally in the country after January 1, 1982. were given the opportunity to apply for temporary status that could possibly lead to permanent residency. Congress also bowed to the pressure of agricultural interests and placed undocumented workers who had worked in the United States for three months during the fiscal year ending May 1, 1986, on the road to permanent-resident status. (1)

The second component of IRCA focused on deterring future illegal immigration. For the first time, federal law made employers responsible for verifying and keeping records of the work-eligibility status of all employees they hired after November 6, 1986. Employers who hired undocumented immigrants faced fines of up to ten thousand dollars and six-month prison terms for each undocumented employee in their workforces. Congress also strengthened nondiscrimination provisions of the law to placate immigrant-advocacy groups who were concerned that businesses would stop hiring legally documented immigrants who happened to have “foreign-sounding” names. The final provision aimed at deterring immigration focused on improving border patrolling to prevent illegal passage into the country.(1)

Is this not slap in the face to all legal taxpaying citizens of the United States of America? What about all of those who played by the rules and immigrated to our country legally as well as those who are in line waiting for a chance to get in? We the People are hearing the same old song repeatedly.  Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

There are only a few minor differences between the current Senate bill and the 1986 Amnesty. One first is the length of the bill, 1,200 pages, the second is that the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security will be granted full discretion pertaining to the enforcement provisions of the bill and the status of those that are caught illegally in the country.  The implication is clear. The DHS Secretary would serve as a  defacto “king” who will have the sole power to determine the legal status of an illegal immigrant and would be able to decide which laws duly enacted by Congress she deems worthy of enforcement.

In an effort to bring attention to this atrocity, a letter was sent to all elected federal civil servants. The fact is We the People do not know the answers to a myriad of questions surrounding the effort to grant amnesty to 11 million illegals nor do our elected civil servants. There are several significant questions that stand out. It is imperative that We the People should have answers. If the immigration system is broken, who broke it? When did it fail? Who is responsible for the breakdown?  Why must We the People give millions upon millions of non-citizen law breakers amnesty for their decision to violate our laws  every day that they are illegally in the United States of America?

Below is a letter that was sent to all elected federal civil servants and news outlets.  Read the letter; if you do not know the answer to any of the questions, please call your representative and senator to demand an answer.  We the People, above all, should confuse a so called "broken immigration system" with border security.  Border security has nothing to do with immigration. The answer is simple: Article I, Section VIII, Clause XV – The Congress shall have the power to…  Provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrection and repel Invasions…  Millions of people illegally within the borders of the U.S.A. demanding that We the People must give, give, give to them is the definition of an insurrection. Millions of people that are illegally in the U.S.A. is an invasion.  Congress must act now to uphold their oath of office. In case they forgot what it is, here it is in balck and white, "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

Its time to put an end to false promises. It's time to uphold the law and put the taxpayer first. It's time to provide some answers.  


File: Immigration Reform?

Dear Senator Alexander:

Elected civil servants continue to mention a path to citizenship for an estimated 11,000,000 illegal immigrants.  We at the Nassau County Civic Association and its members believe that number is a fallacy, which I will present.  For the fact that no person in the United States of America actually knows the number, it could be more it could be less.  Based on the continuing Congressional Hearings for the Comprehensive Immigration Bill, the Legal Taxpaying Citizens of the United States of America should have a definitive answer to that question, yet after years of debating there are no definitive answers.  That is just one question without a definitive answer; there are a number of questions without a definitive answer from the elected civil servants of the People.


How many Illegal Immigrants in this country are educated?  We do not know. 

At what level are they educated?  We do not know. 

How many graduated from High School?  We do not know. 

How many have a college degree?  We do not know. 

How many have jobs?  We do not know. 

How many have skills?  We do not know. 

What kind of skills do they have?  We do not know.

How many do not have jobs?  We do not know.

How many make a living wage?  We do not know.

How much money does an Illegal Immigrant illegally acquire?  We do not know.

How many have implemented illegal businesses?  We do not know.

How many pay taxes?  We do not know.

How many will pay taxes if they get jobs?  We do not know.

How much will they pay in taxes if they get jobs?  We do not know.

What is the real cost of Illegal Immigration to the Legal Taxpaying Citizens of the United States of America?  We do not know.

How much is it costing the Legal Taxpaying Citizens of the United States of America in medical treatment to people Illegally in the U.S.A.?  We do not know.

How many are driving on our roads without a valid driver’s license?  We do not know.

How many are committing criminal acts?  We do not know.


How many are receiving WIC?  We do not know.

How many are receiving Federal and State Welfare?  We do not know.

How many Illegal Immigrants have received a Child Credit on false tax returns?  We do not know.

How many have falsified government documents?  We do not know.

How many are illegally registered to vote?  We do not know.

How many have illegally voted that should not have voted?  We do not know.

How many are using S.S. numbers of Legal Taxpaying Citizens of the United States of America?  We do not know.

How many Illegal Immigrants are stealing identities of legal Taxpaying Citizens of the United States of America?  We do not know.

How many Illegal Immigrants have over stayed their work visa?  We do not know.

How many have overstayed their student visa?  We do not know.

How many have overstayed their visitor visa?  We do not know.

How many have committed murder?  We do not know.

How many have been deported more than once?  We do not know.

What are the nationalities of the Illegal Immigrants in the United States of America?  We do not know.

What is the number of Illegal Immigrants in the United States of America that are from countries on the Terrorist Watch List?  We do not know.

When did immigration become broken?  We do not know.

Who is responsible for breaking immigration?  We do not know.

I personally have a question to ask for all.  If people who are Illegally in the U.S.A., “living in the shadows”, how is it they can collect taxpayer funded entitlements “living in the shadows”?  I do not know.


The Nassau County Civic Association and its members believe there are other questions that the Legal Taxpaying Citizens of the United States of America still do not know the answer to, yetet these questions still have not been answered after over a decade of debate over immigration by our elected civil servants.  We the People have every right to ask questions that have to do with the direction of where, We the People, want this country going, not the people that are Illegally in the U.S.A.  The elected civil servants have a responsibility to provide the answers to all these basic questions that are being asked. 

After the Congressional Hearings regarding the “Comprehensive Immigration Bill” that is being put together by eight senators and a number of representatives behind closed doors and without the participation of the Legal Taxpaying Citizens of the United States of America, We the People still do not have the answers to the questions aforementioned.  Why is it We the People are not given the chance to participate in the process of immigration? 

Union leaders, NLRB and La Raza have an opportunity to confer behind closed doors with the People’s elected civil servants but the Legal Taxpaying Citizen has not been included “behind closed doors” with our elected civil servants to participate in an immigration bill, why?




Barrett Psareas

Vice President of the Nassau County Civic Association