NASSAU COUNTY CIVIC ASSOCIATION, INC. "The government is us, we are the government, you and I." Teddy Roosevelt |
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The Democratic platform drafting committee voted unanimously to add a plank to their platform that endorses homosexual marriage. The move while not unexpected comes of the heels of the President's evolved view of marriage. Against the backdrop of a convention in North Carolina which voted to define marriage as the union of one man and one woman, the move is bound to push this issue to the forefront of the November elections.
for the storyAugust 1, 2012
Black Pastors: Obama's Gay Marriage Support a 'Disgrace'
"Some people saying that because of the position Chick-fil-A is taking, they don't want 'em in their cities. That is a disgrace. It's the same thing that happened when I was marching for civil rights, when they didn't want a black to come into their restaurant." Williams Owens talking about Rahm Emanuel in Chicago.
Click here for the story
Bill Introduced in NYS Senate to repeal homosexual marriage
Newly elected Brooklyn State Senator David Storobin introduced a bill to repeal homosexual marriage. Storobin won a special election to replace the disgraced felon and ex-Senator Karl Krueger who voted for homosexual marriage. The bill was part of his campaign promise to defend marriage as the union of one man and one woman. The bill brings renewed scrutiny to Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos' decision to allow homosexual marriage to come to the Senate floor last year. The Storobin bill which was introduced at the end of the legislative session has no time for consideration as the session just ended.
Click here for the story
June 24, 2012
Lawsuit filed to force NY Catholic Hospital to back same sex marriage
As predicted, a homosexual couple has filed suit in Manhattan Federal Court demanding that a catholic Hospital in Westchester County recognize their "marriage" for the purposes of providing medical benefits under New York's homosexual marriage law. The suit seeks an injunction to force the Catholic institution to disregard their religious views and violate the teachings of the Catholic church. What is interesting is that the plaintiff's declined to file suit in state court. New York's homosexual marriage law has no severability law which would force the law's demise should a petitioner be successful in challenging the state law under the first right, that of religious liberty.
Click here for the story
June 22, 2011
he Governor is asking for a vote on Marriage
Even though the Governor is claiming that he trusts the People, he wants to ram through homosexual marriage without input from the People. We trust the People, so should the Governor. The Senate should oblige the Governor and pass a bill to place the matter before all New Yorkers via a referendum. Each side can make their case and what ever the outcome, it will be decided by the governed not a single interest or by a single elected leader.
What same-sex marriage has done to Massachusetts
June 21, 2011
The next 24 hours will likely decide the future of marriage in New York.
Thousands of you have called, emailed, and even delivered your messages to Albany in person, calling on your state senators to support a referendum allowing the people of New York to vote on marriage.
It's time for one final push!
Join us at the Capitol Tomorrow!
Please, if at all possible, come to the Capitol in Albany tomorrow (directions here). Come any time that you are able. There is no stronger statement than that of marriage supporters taking time off work, traveling with their families, committed to making a public stand for marriage.
Join us as we remind Senate Republicans that there is no reason they should have to vote on this bill. Marriage belongs to every New Yorker, not just to 62 politicians in the state senate. It's time for a referendum that would let the people of New York decide the future of marriage for themselves.
Keep up the Phone Calls and Emails!
Even if you can't make it to Albany tomorrow, you can still make your voice heard. Have you called these 7 senators yet today? Please call each of them—tell them it's time to let the people vote!
And if you can't make phone calls, contact these senators by email!
Stephen Saland | (518) 455-2411 | |
Andrew Lanza | (518) 455-3215 | |
Mark Grisanti | (518) 455-3240 | |
Greg Ball | (518) 455-3111 | |
John Flanagan | (518) 455-2071 | |
Joseph Addabbo | (518) 455-2322 | |
Shirley Huntley | (518) 455-3531 | |
The truth behind homosexual marriage
It's not about equality but the loss of
liberty for the majority
June 20, 2011
eep up the Pressure!! NO to Homosexual marriage
Hundreds of protestors turned out in Albany today to oppose homosexual marriage and former NY Giants Wide Receiver Delivered 63,000 petitions against homosexual marriage. Click here for the story.
June 18, 2011
Homosexual marriage battle intensifies
With the push for homosexual marriage by Governor Cuomo and his allies comes pushback by tens of thousands of New Yorkers who say NO. People with common sense understand that the role of government is to strengthen families and promote the stability of society by enacting sound public policy. In doing so, our elected leaders regularly promote a moral view which is reflected in the laws they pass. Homosexual marriage is no different. By supporting legislation to legalize homosexual marriage, each legislator is imposing their own moral view on what society should promote and defend. If enacted into law, it becomes rationally based under law thus any challenge regardless of the basis will be deemed irrational or steeped in bigotry. This is the goal of the small but radical minority pushing the bill. Its not about equality but rather the extremism of the minority with the loss of liberty for the majority.
While the bill does not force clergy to perform homosexual marriages, it will force clergy and religious institutions to accept homosexual marriage under the force of law. Governor Cuomo has made it clear that any rejection of Homosexual marriage is discrimination. Yet that argument was rejected by New York's top court in 2006 which held that New York's current marriage law which defines marriage as the union of one man and one women was not discriminatory. So why change the law? The issue is Liberty and freedom but for whom? It is the ultimate goal of homosexual extremists to once and for all crush the last bastion of dissent; People of Faith. The question is not whether there will be some minor religious protections in the bill, the question is why would any legislator vote for a bill which by its very nature suppresses liberty and puts the considerable power of the state behind the concept of homosexual marriage?
For answers, the people need to look for guidance from other states that enacted homosexual marriage laws. In Massachusetts, parents are not allowed to opt out of school programs that promote homosexual marriage, gender identity/ expression (cross dressing) and the entire spectrum of the rainbow relating to sexual proclivity. A religious organization in New Jersey was found to have discriminated against a two lesbians in a civil union as they declined to rent their property for the civil union ceremony. A photographer in New Mexico was found to have engaged in discrimination as he respectfully declined to work at a homosexual commitment ceremony. In California, a fertility doctor was sued for declining to artificially inseminate a lesbian even though he referred her to someone who would. Ultimately the California Supreme Court ruled that doctors have no right of conscious. These examples come from states that have enacted so called religious carve outs.
Even if some minor carve outs are included in the homosexual marriage law with respect to religious institutions, the exceptions are insufficient as a matter of precedent. There is also no guarantee that New York's top court will honor those carve outs once homosexual marriage becomes law or for that matter any future legislature. Also there is no exception with respect to conscious, there is no exception for parents and there is no exception for private groups. Overall, the legislation in of itself by its very nature suppresses liberty and puts the considerable power of the state behind the concept of homosexual marriage.
Don't believe the hype coming from Governor Cuomo and Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos.
Tell Senator Skelos to kill the bill!
516-766-8383 or 518-455-3171
une 13, 2011
NY Senate Republicans may put Homosexual marriage on fast track
The NY Post reported today that up to seven GOP Senators are ready to vote to legalize homosexual marriage including Long Island Senators Charles Fuschillo and Kemp Hannon. Several of the Senators mentioned in the report including Fuschillo and Hannon say that their positions have not changed affirming their opposition to homosexual marriage. Sources have informed the NCCA that the Republican conference will be discussing the issue tomorrow and will decide whether to bring the measure to the floor. Other sources have indicated that a bill is expected to be introduced tomorrow with a vote possibly coming as early as Thursday. Even so, a Post report finds that a majority of New Yorkers want action on capping property taxes and ethics reform with only 14% favoring action on homosexual marriage.
Senator Karl Krueger makes it clear what the vote is about; "What we're about to do is redefine what the American family is and that's a good thing". When the Governor was asked if he would allow exemptions for religious agencies including those involved in adoptions, he refused and stated that the bill would be the same as the one rejected in 2009. So it's clear that the bill's intent is to promote extremism of the minority while taking liberty from the majority.
With so many important issues remaining at the end of this legislative session which ends on Monday, June 20th, why would Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos focus on divisive social issues that divide New Yorkers? Critics have charged that Skelos is trying to satisfy his base while quietly pushing the measure to victory in a deal with homosexual activists.
Call Senator Skelos; tell him to stop playing both sides and support traditional marriage!
Albany Office (518) 455-3171 |
Rockville Centre Office (516) 766-8383 |
Click here to send an e-mail to your Senator.
May 18, 2011
Battle over homosexual marriage (and gender) heats up in New
From the AP: "Opponents of gay marriage in New York got national funding Tuesday as lobbyists, clergy, Gov. Andrew Cuomo and legislators head for a six-week legalization showdown with global implications."
"The $1.5 million pledged by the Washington-based National Organization for Marriage comes with the organization's expertise after recent success against same-sex marriage bills in Maryland, Rhode Island and in a New York congressional primary."
Is this really the battle the Governor wants to engage? Recently the Governor acknowledged that he may not have the votes to pass his priority and would not bring up a bill in the Senate just to fail. In December 2009, the measure failed in the Senate by a vote of 38-24. A recent Marist poll finds a majority of New York adults, 53% to 46% support marriage as a union between one man and one woman. The Governor's actions will only serve to weaken his credibility as a real reformer and will ultimately define him as a crass politician in the mold of Eliot Spitzer and David Patterson.
With the focus on homosexual marriage, the Governor and his allies are quietly pushing for legislation that will re-define gender. The proposed GENDA Act will legalize all forms of “gender expression” and “gender identity” “actual or perceived” such as cross dressing and beyond. It will allow men not cross dressed or not undergoing a sex change to enter the woman’s bathroom if they “feel like a woman”. All of the bills contain no exemption for religious institutions and will treat opposition as a hate crime. Those who are found guilty of violating the law can be forced to pay fines and monetary awards.
By focusing on divisive and controversial social issues with their significant public policy implications, the Governor has made it clear that he is no longer serious about the number one issue in New York, taxes. It's time for the Governor and his one issue allies to put the people first.
Tell the Governor and your state legislator to focus on the issues that effect you!
Tell them NO to homosexual marriage, NO to re-defining gender.
Click here to see how you can take action. See how your state legislator voted and/or their position on the bill(s)
August 16, 2010
Appeals Court; Gay Marriages on Hold
Today a three judge panel of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals granted a stay of Judge Walker's order to reinstate gay marriage in California. The Appeals court expedited their review with all briefs due by November 1st.
Click here for the story
August 4, 2010
Gay Federal Judge strikes down California gay marriage ban
Declaring that the state has no rational basis to restrict marriage between members of the same sex, Judge Vaughn R. Walker ruled that California's proposition 8 which banned gay marriage violated the plaintiff's right of due process and equal protection. “Proposition 8 cannot withstand any level of scrutiny under the Equal Protection Clause,” wrote Judge Walker. “Excluding same-sex couples from marriage is simply not rationally related to a legitimate state interest.” His ruling overturned the will of more then 7 million California voters who voted to preserve marriage as the union of one man and one woman.
The ruling went on to reject any moral or religious objection to gay marriage and further went on to imply that those who oppose gay marriage have engaged in bigotry, "The evidence at trial regarding the campaign to pass Proposition 8 uncloaks the most likely explanation for its passage: a desire to advance the belief that opposite-sex couples are morally superior to same-sex couples," he said. He then erroneously compared the ban on gay marriage to previous restrictions on inter racial marriages; "Race restrictions on marital partners were once common in most states but are now seen as archaic, shameful or even bizarre," he added. "Gender no longer forms an essential part of marriage; marriage under law is a union of equals." As to the notion of civil unions versus marriage, he rejected other legal schemes as legally inferior. The decision is expected to be appealed to the 9th Circuit court of appeals and will likely end up before the supreme court.
Click here for the story
August 12, 2010
Marriage and Morality
The case for Prop 8
January 7, 2010
Homosexual marriage 0 for 4?
Proponents of gay marriage have suffered another defeat in their efforts to legalize gay marriage. The New Jersey Senate rejected a bill legalizing gay marriage 20-14. This comes on top of a loss in New York where the NY Senate voted down gay marriage and in November when Maine voters repealed a gay marriage law. Opponents have now turned their attention to Washington D.C. which just legalized gay marriage and where the D.C. Council rejected a referendum to overturn the law. The DC council has refused to allow the referendum citing a violation of the DC Human Rights Law. A lawsuit was filed to overturn the council's action and to place a referendum on the ballot. Experts agree that the DC Council does not have the legal authority to block the referendum. Currently, Congress has 30 days to review the law legalizing gay marriage and can block the law. Congress has declined to take any action and the President has made it clear that he will not intervene based on his support for gay marriage. Even so, the People will ultimately have the choice when the matter is placed on the ballot. Considering voters never legalized gay marriage 30 out of 30 times, the odds are on the side of those who support traditional marriage.
December 15, 2009
New York Senate Says No to Gay Marriage
Earlier this month, the Senate dealt a decisive blow to Governor Paterson and proponents of homosexual marriage by voting 38 to 24 against legalizing homosexual marriage in New York. The Nassau County Civic Association worked with various groups statewide in an effort to defeat the bill. Prior to the vote, our vote count indicated 36 No votes, 21 Yes votes and five undecided. The additional No votes were not a surprise but were certainly welcome. Unfortunately, Long Island Senators Craig Johnson (D-Port Washington) and Brian Foley (D-Brookhaven) voted Yes. We will continue our efforts to defend marriage consistent with our "Marriage and Gender " Initiative. To see how your Senator voted, Click here.
June 23, 2009
He's done it...
Governor Calls for June 24 Vote on Same-Sex Marriage
June 27, 2009
UPDATE: The Governor has now withdrawn his homosexual marriage bill. While this is a victory, it is a temporary one. Please don't let your guard down. Please keep the pressure on our state Senators. We will continue our effort to inform voters on this effort to radically alter the definition of marriage.
May 26, 2009
TAND UP for Marriage!Will the NY Senate pass Gay marriage?
Even though Senate Majority Leader Malcolm Smith indicated that he would not bring the homosexual marriage bill to a vote as he lacks the votes to pass it, the Senate has a history of passing controversial bills at the end of the legislative session. With more then three weeks left in the session which ends on June 22nd, it would be prudent to remain vigilant as those who support re-defining marriage will pull out all the stops to pass this radical bill. The Nassau County Civic Association will continue to work to support marriage as the union of one man and one woman and will inform the public of those legislators who have already voted in favor of the bill (Assembly) and those who have publicly endorsed the bill (Senate). Together we can protect marriage as the union of one man and one woman.
Call your State Senator at 518-455-2800
Tell your Senator to say No to homosexual marriage
Click here to take action | Click here to see the Ad-NY Consequences |
Click here for more information | Click here to hear the radio Ad |
Dates for Marriage rallies
Albany-Tuesday, June 9th 10:30am-12:30pm | Long Island-Saturday, June 13th 2pm-4pm | |
Location: State Capitol, Albany | Location: Perry Duryea State Building, Hauppauge NY | |
Click here for more information | Click here for more information |
May 13, 2009
UPDATE: Gay marriage bill passes the Assembly as expected 89-52. As previously reported, the Senate will not consider the bill?
May 4, 2009
The NYS Assembly will vote on a homosexual
marriage bill this week. The bill which passed in 2007 by a vote of 85-61, is likely to pass the Assembly this year as well. Senate Majority Leader Malcolm Smith has announced that the Senate will not take up the Governor's bill to legalize homosexual marriage. The bill does not have enough votes to pass the New York State Senate. Currently, 36 Senators are opposed, five undecided and 21 in favor. Call your Assembly member and Senator.Call your legislator toll free at 1-800-525-2846.
Contact Assembly Leader Sheldon Silver
Senator Craig Johnson (7th SD, D-Port Washington) has sponsored a
companion bill in the NYS Senate. Contact Craig Johnson and tell him to withdrawn his bill to legalize homosexual marriage.Phone: 516-746-5923
Phone: 518 455-2622
Fax: 516-746-5926
For more information, go to
April 21, 2009
UPDATE: Senate to Block Vote
Senate Majority Leader Malcolm Smith announced that the Senate will not take up the Governor's bill to legalize homosexual marriage. While Malcolm Smith has indicated his support of the bill, it is apparent that he doesn't have the votes to pass the Governor's bill. The Nassau County Civic Association has counted the votes in the Senate. Currently, 36 Senators are opposed, five undecided and 21 in favor. Malcolm Smith would be better served by looking to the People of his district for guidance. Only 33% of his district support the bill and his own church is opposed. The recent Sienna Poll claiming more then 50% support for the Governor's bill is flawed. The sample of 639 is too small of a sample and does not accurately measure the twenty million residents of New York. The consistent average of the numerous polls taken show about one third support for Homosexual marriage. A prior poll indicated an increase in support for homosexual marriage by 6% to 41% but factoring in the margin of error, there is no significant change in public opinion. We applaud the Majority Leader's decision to exercise common sense and focus on the issues that matter most to all New Yorkers, our economy.
April 14, 2009
Governor Patterson to Spearhead Gay marriage Bill
Governor Patterson has announced his plan to introduce legislation to legalize homosexual marriage in New York. Even though the bill faces strong opposition in the New York Senate, the Governor believes that it's one of the most important issues facing New York residents. "The timing was always right. It's just who is willing to take that step, and I am," Paterson said. Considering his recent $8 billion dollar tax increase and $10 billion dollar spending spree during the current recession, its apparent that the Governor is out of touch with New York's working families. Considering his 19% job approval rating and 78% disapproval rating, the Governor is hardly in a position to spearhead a radical and controversial bill through the New York legislature. It would be prudent for Senate Majority Leader Malcolm Smith and Assembly Leader Shelly Silver to consider the long term fiscal and political ramifications of their budget deal with Governor Patterson instead of unnecessarily wading into another divisive issue with an uncertain outcome.
November 5, 2008
California voters pass constitutional amendment to ban homosexual marriage!
Earlier today, AP has confirmed that the voters of California have passed a constitutional amendment to define marriage as the union of one man and one woman. The margin was 52% to 48%. Constitutional amendments have also passed in Florida and Arizona.
October 11, 2008
Activist Judges in Connecticut re-define marriage
From the Family Institute of Connecticut: The Connecticut Supreme Court has usurped the expressed will of the people--and even our state legislators--by undemocratically forcing same-sex "marriage" on Connecticut! Contact your state senator and state representative--and Governor Rell. Demand that they stand up to the Court and vote to protect marriage!
For more Click here Stop activist judges in California and America Click here YouTube
July 31, 2008
Homosexual Marriage Goes National
While the focus has been on California in light of the recent ruling by the state's high court to legalize homosexual marriage, Massachusetts's Governor Patrick Deval (D) has signed legislation that repealed a 1913 statute prohibiting out of state residents from obtaining marriage licenses if their marriage would be illegal in other states. The change goes into effect immediately. In California, opponents of homosexual marriage have placed a constitutional amendment on the ballot to define marriage as the union of one man and one woman. While pro family advocates are optimistic of the amendment's passage in California, the Massachusetts legislature killed a similar ballot question last year. Thus a single state may become the doorway to force homosexual marriage across the nation based on the full faith and credit clause of the constitution. This unilateral decision by Massachusetts's to force homosexual marriage upon America without debate will certainly thrust this issue into the presidential race. Barack Obama has promised to repeal the federal 1996 Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and has voiced his support of the California Supreme Court's decision to legalize homosexual marriage. His opponent, John McCain while in the Senate voted for DOMA. Even though McCain has supported state constitutional amendments protecting marriage, he has opposed a federal constitutional amendment. With homosexual marriage going national, the issue can no longer be ignored. Now is the time for leadership.
Read more....
June 20, 2008
On Thursday, June 19, 2008, New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms held a rally in support of marriage at the State Capitol in Albany. The event drew more then 400 evangelical pastors who met with several members of the legislature to urge New York's elected leaders to defend marriage as the union of one man and one woman. New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms, a member of organization of The Coalition to Save Marriage in New York
presented Senator Serphin Maltese (R – Queens) and Rev. Senator Ruben Diaz, Sr. (D – Bronx) with 15,575 petitions in support of traditional marriage.For more information, click here
Press release from the Coalition to Save Marriage in NY
June 2, 2008
Tell Governor Patterson to stop his attack on marriage!
To take action, Click here to get started!
You can also call the
Governor at
June 3, 2008
Attorneys with
the Alliance Defense Fund filed suit Tuesday in New York state court
on behalf of lawmakers and taxpayers to halt implementation of Gov.
David Paterson’s directive ordering state agencies to recognize
same-sex “marriages” from other jurisdictions.
Read more....
Click here
to read the petition
Click here for the press release from New Yorkers for
Constitutional Freedoms
Yesterday, the California Secretary of State, Debra Bowen, certified the California Marriage Protection Act for the November 2008 ballot. Backers of the initiative obtained more then 1.1 million signatures.
May 29, 2008
Governor Patterson
Usurps legislature to force recognition of Homosexual Marriage in NY
Governor Patterson issued an executive order on May 14th directing all state agencies to review and revise their polices in order to recognize homosexual marriages performed in other jurisdictions. The Governor has based his executive order on Martinez v. Monroe County wherein the appeals court ruled that New York must recognize homosexual marriages performed in other states and countries. The case which was appealed to New York's highest court was dismissed on technical grounds and sent back to the appeals court to address the issue of damages. The Governor's executive order which is overly broad may be subject to legal challenge.
Read more.....
May 30, 2008
Senate Leader Joe Bruno says not so fast
Alliance Defense Fund to file suit to block Governor Patterson's effort to legislate homosexual marriage. Click here
from the Coalition to save marriage in NY Press release from the Alliance for MarriageMay 16, 2008
California Judges legislate new definition of marriage
Click here for the story
To see how you can defend marriage in NY, go to
May 30, 2008
Ten States ask California Supreme Court to delay Homosexual marriage ruling
April 7, 2008
Coalition files friend of the court brief to defend marriage in New York
The Coalition to Save Marriage in NY has filed a friend of the court brief asking the New York Court of Appeals to accept an appeal of Martinez v. Monroe County. The 4th department appeals court ruled in favor of the plaintiff who sought to have her out of state homosexual marriage recognized under New York law. This decision conflicts with two other appeals court rulings which have decided that New York state law does not recognize homosexual marriages performed outside of New York. The 4th department's decision also conflicts with the Court of Appeals 2006 decision which affirmed the New York Domestic Relations law as constitutional and rationally based in a challenge to New York's marriage laws.
Click here to read the coalition's brief.
Click here to read the brief filed by the American Center for Law and Justice.
May 6, 2008 Update: The Appeal was dismissed by Court of Appeals as the issue of damages was not resolved at the lower court level. The Coalition will renew the appeal once the lower court case is fully resolved.
March 4, 2008
Senate Minority Leader Malcolm Smith vows to legalize homosexual marriage in NY
The Minority Leader of the NYS Senate, Malcolm Smith has promised several radical agenda groups that he will legalize homosexual marriage in NYS. "At the Empire State Pride Agenda's 2007 fall dinner, Malcolm Smith, who last year became the Senate Democratic leader, pledged that if his party won a majority, marriage equality for same-sex couples, already approved by the Assembly at Spitzer's behest, would be at the top of the agenda." Gay City News February 28, 2008
January 23, 2008
Homosexual activists seek to defeat Long Island Senators
In an effort to win passage of homosexual marriage, several activists are plotting to target State Senators from Nassau and Suffolk who oppose homosexual marriage. The NCCA is working with several groups statewide to defend marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Go to the family page and to see what you can do to defend marriage.
to read more...November 30, 2007
National organization created to defend traditional marriage at the state level
National Organization of Marriage or NOM has a simple mission, defending marriage as the union of one man and one woman. The effort to legalize homosexual marriage at the state level (excluding Massachusetts as homosexual marriages performed in Massachusetts are limited to that state if they are deemed illegal in other states) is part of a national plan by homosexual extremists to force the matter of homosexual marriage before the US Supreme Court. If any state legalizes homosexual marriage, the radical activists will file a federal lawsuit in several states based on the full faith and credit clause of the US Constitution. Once these cases reach the high court, the court will be required to validate these across the country. This ruling will effectively legalize homosexual marriage throughout the United States. It is therefore imperative that any effort to legalize homosexual marriage at the state level be defeated.July 8, 2007
Pew Research Center poll shows growing public opposition to homosexual marriage. The poll indicated that 57% of Americans now oppose homosexual marriage up from 55% and support for homosexual marriage declining from 37% to 32%
June 19, 2007
The assembly passed a bill to re-define marriage to include homosexual marriage by a vote of 85-61. The Senate has declined to consider the measure.
Click here for a press release from the coalition to save marriage in NY.The NCCA will post the names of all assembly members who voted for the bill shortly. We are committed to informing all residents of Nassau & New York State of those who voted to destroy marriage. This effort will remain ongoing.
June 12, 2007
The NYS Assembly is attempting to sneak a homosexual
marriage bill through the Assembly before the end of session (June 21st) without the public's input or knowledge. The bill would make New York the first state to pass legislation to legally recognize homosexual marriage without a directive from a court. The bill is seen as likely to pass. Click here for the NY Sun article.Call your legislator toll free at 1-800-525-2846.
Contact Assembly Leader Sheldon Silver
Senator Craig Johnson (7th SD, D-Port Washington) has sponsored a
companion bill in the NYS Senate. Contact Craig Johnson and tell him to withdrawn his bill to legalize homosexual marriage.Phone: 516-746-5923
Phone: 518 455-2622
Fax: 516-746-5926
For more information, go to
May 30, 2007
NY State, taxpayers collide on same-sex partner benefits
May 10, 2007
Governor Spitizer issues an executive order recognizing homosexual marriages for medical benefits
Earlier this month, Governor Spitizer issued an executive order mandating that state and municipal governments which participate in the state's medical program must recognize homosexual marriages performed in Massachusetts and outside of the United States. This executive order may affect over 800 governmental entities. The NCCA is in the process of obtaining a copy of the executive order and is currently working on this development. Based on the recent Court of Appeals ruling that upheld the Domestic Relations Law, the Governor's unilateral action is nothing more then an attempt by the executive branch to usurp the authority of the legislature and operate outside the constraints of the state constitution. More information will follow as circumstances warrant.
New Yorkers resisting governor on same-sex 'marriage'
Ten organizations in New York state have joined together to form a coalition
to protect the definition of marriage that is now on the books from an
effort by Governor Eliot Spitzer to include homosexual relationships. The
Coalition to Save Marriage in New York is worried about a bill introduced by
Spitzer two weeks ago that, according to a group spokesman, would
essentially legalize same-sex "marriage" by changing the definition of
marriage the state recognizes.
NY taxpayers appeal county executive's 'same-sex' recognition
A citizen-initiated lawsuit is relying on rulings in both the Court of
Appeals and Supreme Court of New York State as its legal justification for
an appeal of litigation against a Westchester County executive who ordered
county agencies to recognize out-of-state same-sex "marriages" for all
county purposes.