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June 1, 2022

NY's Plan to Drive Energy Costs Higher

The irrational war on fossil fuels has a cost

The role of government is to make the lives of its people better by enacting public policy with the consent of the governed and within the scope of its charter. Government is bound by the interests of liberty, freedom and accountability. It involves getting out of the way where it will be a hindrance but regulating where it makes sense and being accountable to the doctrine of liberty. Government cannot be the solution to all of our ills but it can act where appropriate to make our life's better. Yet here we are with a out of control state legislature acting in tandem with Governor Hochul to turn rationality on its head by engaging in a war on fossil fuels. In doing so, the cost of their blind ideology plays out in the everyday lives of New York residents with higher energy costs and a significant reduction in energy resources to heat our homes, drive our cars even to cook our food or cut our grass. The question is why? In short, climate change.

In the 1970's, many remember the dire predictions of global cooling with the potential for a new ice age. That claim was predicated on particulates being trapped in the atmosphere which would prevent the sun's warmth from getting through which would in turn lead to a significant reduction in the earth's temperature. Once global cooling did not materialize as predicted, claims began to arise regarding global warming based on changes to the world's average temperatures. Dramatic predictions claimed many areas of the world would be under water as the ice caps would melt including many areas of the United States. The 2006 film, "An Inconvenient Truth" by former Vice President Al Gore forecast an climatic apocalypse of world flooding if nothing is done about atmospheric carbon produced from industry and people. The movie and consulting made Al Gore rich but his predictions failed to materialize. Now the new term is simply climate change.

Being good stewarts of our environment is not a bad thing but what is real, what is damaging to the environment and what should be our focus remains open for debate. One area where there was broad agreement was a "Ozone hole" that was discovered in our atmosphere in late 1980's and a solution to address it. The ozone layer acts to shield the earth from excessive ultra violet light, any hole would allow excessive radiation to enter causing increased cancers, cataracts and potential damage to plants. It was determined that the gas referred to as Fruoric-carbon or Freon R-12 which was used as a refrigerant in air conditioners would bind with the ozone and actually destroy it causing a ever increasing hole in the ozone layer. The solution was to create a new type of Freon that would be fluro-carbon free and begin a complete phase out of Freon R-12 beginning in 1992 which was ordered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency along with other countries. The resulting action was a success with minimal economic harm to the people of the world.  

The issue of climate change has become a rabid and irrational ideology in of itself. Proponents of the ideology have declared climate change a "existential threat" to the survival of the world calling for immediate and irrational action without regard to any cost. They have even gone go far as to compare those who dispute the ideology akin to holocaust deniers which is extremely repugnant given the comparison. Their solution is a rapid and complete overnight transformation of the American economy. Fossil fuels have and continue to fuel our industrial expansion for over a hundred and fifty years. Yet proponents reject any consensus on the actual danger of climate change, engage in irrational decision making, reject the real cost to our economy and most importantly are moving in the direction of tyranny by imposing their will on a free society. What was even worse was America signing on to the Paris Accords which is not even a treaty that allows many other nations to maintain their use of fossil fuels at our economic demise.

So how does this effect you, a New York resident? The New York State legislature passed several new laws which were signed by Governor Hochul which go beyond their legal authority and beyond the scope of their office. Beginning in 2027, New York outlawed the sale of gas powered lawn equipment. Beginning in 2030, the sale of natural gas appliances such as your stove will be outlawed. Beginning in 2035, new gas powered automobiles will be unlawful to sell in New York. Legislation that mandates most new construction to use electric heat is being considered. Natural gas pipe lines are being blocked and the Public Service Commission, an executive agency of the Governor is pushing for action plans by utilities to phase out the use of natural gas for cooking and to heat homes. Not only will these changes drive up the cost of energy in New York as a whole, the decisions are irrational.

When Long Island was hit with a significant tropical storm and a hurricane, the majority of residents had no power. Gas stations were unable to pump gas from their tanks as they had no generators to power the pumps. How do our elected officials address a loss of electrical power due to a storm or hurricane resulting in a inability to power the electrical cars, electrical tools and home electrical heating systems? They have no plan. The lesson of the Texas black out in 2021, found the reliance on significant wind power for the electrical grid with a reduction of fossil fuel powered plants was a mistake that lead to significant and widespread damage during a cold snap. Then there is the long term cost. The legacy of LILCO just keeps giving. Long Island residents pay some of the highest energy rates in the nation. Natural gas that was previously referred to as "clean natural gas" is expected to triple in cost. Gasoline is going up in price to record highs. Yet the Biden Administration along with their state allies continue to deny permits for oil/gas exploration, revoke permits for pipelines to transport oil/gas, encourage oil/gas purchases from America's enemies and are enacting significant regulations that seek to drive producers of fossil fuels out of business.

Now those who are quick to dismiss the motivational reality of climate change proponents, a recent quote from President Joe Biden lays it bear for all to hear. "Here's the situation. When it comes to gas prices, we're going through an incredible transition that is taking place that, God Willing, when it is over we'll be stronger and the world will be stronger and less reliant on fossil fuels when this is over." Thus it is exclusively about power and control. He and our Governor are misusing their power to control how we use energy irregardless of the costs to New Yorkers and the citizens of the United States. They just don't give a damn. Back in November, the Secretary of Energy, Jennifer Granholm when asked what was "the Granholm plan to increase oil production in America" responded by laughing and saying, "That is hilarious." She went on the blame OPEC and the world market. In March, the Secretary of Commerce, Pete Buttigeig told people concerned about high gas prices to buy an electric vehicle. With prices ranging from $40,000-$150,000 per vehicle and a lack of charging infrastructure, the current cost and viability of electric cars remain elusive for the majority Americans.

It is without question a critical time in American history relating to our ability to survive climate change but its not actually related to climate change. It is the so called solution being dictated and pushed devoid of rationality related to the cost and long term damage to our economy. The so called cure cannot kill the patient. Whether our elected leaders like or not, the people of New York and America vote on pocket book issues. This is no different. It comes down to plain old dollars and common sense.