"The government is us, we are the government, you and I." Teddy Roosevelt


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September 28, 2016

USA Admitting Terrorist Refugees?

Leon Rodriguez, the Director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services acknowledged during testimony before Congress that refugees can be admitted to the U.S. without documentation or corroborating evidence. His admission calls into question why is the administration admitting Syrian refugees who pose a security risk to American Citizens as they cannot be adequately screened. Currently the administration is seeking to bring in another 30,000 Syrian refugees on top if the 12,500 recently admitted into the U.S. Click here for the story.

'Son of Hamas': When Obama Says 'Islam Is a Religion of Peace,' He Sets Climate For 'More Terrorism'

Click here for the story from CNS News

December 3, 2015

Terrorism: The Price of Presidential Indiference

The mass shooting in San Berdino, California is a direct result of the President's failure to acknowledge the danger of radical Islam and his policy of indiference to national security. While Americans of all backgrounds can agree to disagree on public policy issues, all Americans agree that the federal government has a duty and constitutional obligation to protect its citizens. President Obama is the very reason Americans are unsafe. Similiar to a deer caught in the headlights, he is paralized by his own radical ideology which in turn has created a vacum for radical Islam to thrive. Read more.......... 

November 16, 2015

America betrayed by President

On the same day delaring that ISIS was "contained", France was struck by an act of war unparrelled since World War Two.  With 128 dead and hundreds more seriously wounded, the grim reality of radical Islam cannot be denied. The ideology of war can no longer be ignored by this administration which referred to the Islamic State as a junior varsity team. It is clear and without question that the marker left in Paris is part of the broad war being waged by barbarians that will eventually lead to U.S. soil. How can anyone deny this reality? ..... Click here to continue

May 19, 2015

President calls global warming national security threat?

In a disjointed commencement address at the Coast Guard academy, the President called global warming a national security threat and asserted that it will "impact how our military defends our country." While Islamic fascists are on the move throughout the middle east and around the world, the President continues to focus on an agenda to destroy the American economy consistent with his radical ideological viewpoint. How can any rational person ignore the external threat of Islamic fascism and the growing potential for attacks inside the United States by like minding individuals or cells. 

Click here for the story

This is exactly why Congress should reject Tran-Pacific Partnership Bill. Congress should the not give up its power to approve trade treaties. By passing the bill, the President would be able to have his trade agreements passed as legislation versus a two thirds vote by the US Senate. The measures would receive a up or down vote by a simple majority with no amendments allowed. It is clear that the President has gone rogue with his actions on immigration amnesty and foreign policy. He has shown that he cannot be trusted to obey the constitution and should not be rewarded with more unchecked power. 

Click here for the story


June 24, 2014

Iraq near collapse?

The President after vowing not to commit additional ground troops in Iraq recently ordered 300 advisers into Bagdad and authorized surveillance flights over the country. His actions may come to late to save Iraq and will shine a bright light on his failed foreign policy. By allowing Jihadists a launching pad to plan and conduct terrorist attacks against America, the President has single handedly wiped out ten years worth of gains in the war of terror. The administration which refers to terrorism as a overseas contingency operation and who refuses to acknowledge Islamic extremism will now have to contend with a well armed terror army which can only thank the administration for providing hundreds of millions of dollars in captured American military weapons including stinger missiles.   

Click here for the story



April 21, 2013


Questions remain for Immigrant Terrorists


In light of the fact that two Chechnyan immigrants committed the first terrorist bombing since 911, the rush toward "immigration reform" should be stopped pending the outcome of the government's investigation into who and how this attack occurred. Waiting is the prudent thing to do. Any rush to ram a thousand page bill through is not democracy, its plain dangerous.


President pushes Senate "gang of eight" immigration bill, Click here


FBI hunts 12 strong terrorist  "sleeper cell", click here



September 27, 2011


September 11th, Postscript
A decade later, American values still matter


March 7, 2011

Hearings to begin this week on the threat of Islamic Terror within the US

This week Congressman Peter King (R-Seaford) who chairs the Homeland Security Committee will hold hearings to examine the extent of radicalism among America's Muslim community. The hearings come in response to a growing number of domestic terror acts perpetrated by those who support Islamic Jihad. Considering the extent of carnage committed by 19 individuals during 911 and one individual at Fort Hood, the NCCA fully supports the inquiry.

Its important to stress that the majority of American Muslims reject terror, however the radicalization of a large minority in Europe and perhaps within the US cannot be ignored. This has been evident with the push for Sharia law within the United States and the nexus between money and terror groups related to the funding of several American Muslim entities. Let's see what information the hearings produce. After all, as Thomas Jefferson put it, "the price of freedom is eternal vigilance". 

September 6, 2010

More on Ground Zero Mosque:

Backer of Ground Zero Mosque gave to Hamas Linked Charity. Click here for the story

September 2, 2010

The truth and the Mosque
It's not about religious liberty

August 16, 2010


The Nassau County Civic Association strongly supports religious freedom for all Americans to practice their faith and build their houses of worship, yet we cannot endorse a mosque on the site of the 911 attack. There is no reason why the backers of the mosque cannot build their mosque a few blocks elsewhere in consideration the circumstances surrounding the 911 attacks.  America was attacked by those who shared an ideology of hate, Islamic fascism. The Imam behind the mosque project, Imam Feisal Rauf has a troubling history. He actually claimed that America was an accessory to 911, has refused to condemn Hamas as a terror group, supports the imposition of Sharia law in the United States and has a family connection to the extremist group, the Muslim Brotherhood. Mayor Michael Bloomberg and President Obama are wrong and are out of touch with the People they serve. NO to the mosque.  For more information, go to
Obama Backtracks over Mosque Democrats Nervous over Mosque Talk
Harry Reid Says No to Mosque Terror Group Hamas Supports Mosque

The Nation of the Cross
The battle against Islamic Fascism   February 16, 2015

Closing Guantanamo Bay
What is the alternative?  May 28, 2009

The War on Terror
An unconventional war requiring a unconventional strategy  September 14, 2006

Why America Went to War!
September 11, 2001, a date that will live in infamy or a date almost forgotten?  January 31, 2004