NASSAU COUNTY CIVIC ASSOCIATION, INC. "The government is us, we are the government, you and I." Teddy Roosevelt |
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December 16, 2009
Tea Party Out Polls Both Major Parties The Wall Street Journal published a poll conducted jointly with NBC which found that respondents had a 43% favorable view of the Tea party Movement versus a 35% favorable view of Democrats and a 28% favorable view of Republicans. This should send shivers down the spine of both political parties considering their appetite to grow government. Click here for the poll. April 3, 2009 Record tax and spend budget passes on party line vote The budget passed on a party line vote today in the New York State Senate. The vote was 32-30. Even though Long Islanders pay some of the highest taxes in the nation, Long Island Senators, Craig Johnson and Brian Foley voted in favor of the massive tax and spend budget. When asked about his plan to raise taxes during a recession, the Governor replied, "Does it (the budget) make sense. The answer is no, none of this makes sense". Toward the close of budget negotiations in March, the Governor stated, "If the legislature can maintain this type of discipline over the next few years, then we can actually see the light at the end of the tunnel,". "With economic conditions worsening by the day and no region of the State immune to the pain of economic challenges not seen since the Great Depression, we made the tough choices these difficult times demand,". "This budget is far from ideal, but neither was the dire state of the economy that confronts us. What we now have, however, is a road map for long-term economic growth and sustainable recovery to bring New York back into fiscal solvency,". Senate Majority Leader, Malcolm Smith. In light of these quotes, it would make sense to say nothing further. February 6, 2009 Non Partisan CBO: Stimulus bill harmful over long haul Click here for the story. To review the analysis from the Congressional Budget Office, click here Send an e-mail to your Senator Click here 54% of Americans want changes to stimulus bill Click here for Gallop Poll Click here to see video from American Solutions Welfare spending to increase by $254 Billion in the House version of the stimulus bill! Click here for the story
More then 200
economists oppose stimulus plan.
Click here
for the story.
Consensus Collapsing for the Senate's
$838 Billion
Click here for the story
January 20, 2009 A Quote from one of our founding Fathers; "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." Thomas Jefferson for an outstanding resource for local, state and federal spending/debt; Grandfather Economic Report
December 11, 2008
Why are property taxes so high? From The Empire Center for NYS Policy, Click here for answers. December 1, 2008 NYS Property Tax Commission releases its final report. Click here. June 30, 2008 Want to fight high property taxes?
Join the New York Property Tax cap Coalition. Together we can work to reform oppressive property taxes. December 19, 2007 County Assessor's proposed legislation will negatively impact taxpayers Under legislation proposed by Nassau County Assessor Harvey Levinson, taxpayers will face an up hill battle to challenge their residential property assessment. The legislation was introduced in the New York Assembly this past June by Assembly member Charles Lavine (D-Glen Cove). While the Assembly bill was introduced at the end of the state legislative session, it may move forward when the legislature reconvenes in January. Click here to see a review of the proposed legislation.
The Property Tax Reduction Law When Jobs Are Illegal, Only Illegals Will Have Jobs Article Reprinted With Permission From The Hoover Institute April 13, 2004 Who Could Be against “Adequate” School Funding? Article Reprinted With Permission From The Hoover Institute April 13, 2004 Guess How Much of Taxpayer Money Your Local School District Spends Per Student!! Read Excerpt of Facts From Newsday Article Folks This Is Where Most Of Your Tax Dollars Are Going. March 20, 2004 NEW YORKERS PAY HIGHEST LOCAL TAXES Amount Tops National Average By 72 Percent- Study Read Article From MSNBC NEWS December 18, 2003
$33 Billion In Losses to NY Pension Plans Means New
Taxes For Nassau Residents
Possible To Control Costs And Improve Educational Quality
Taxes-Nassau County | Taxes-New York State | Taxes-Federal Government | Taxes-Special Districts |